Thanks for encouraging your 3.5 GPA student to apply to NHS! Juniors will be invited to apply in the first week of March by US Mail and email. Applications will be due March 27. Many students are expected to be honored this year, as we move toward our goal of class, sex and ethnic proportional representation. As you may remember from December, the service hours requirement has been cut in half this year, from 60 to 30. That's 30 hours of volunteering since 8th grade graduation. Special requests for extra time will be considered, due to decreased volunteering opportunities. Details will be in the invitation letter. Meantime, comments and questions are expected to be from scholar-leaders themselves.
This April will be our second recorded ceremony. We'll be making it a special celebration for all of our NHS student strivers! As always, thank you for encouraging values of character, scholarship, leadership and service with your young person! Their excellence is the planet's best investment for peace and prosperity.
“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” -Helen Keller