Welcome from Region II Chair

Happy New Year Region II! This is the inaugural issue of the Region II News for You newsletter. Region II leadership will provide you with up-to-date regional and national information and program deadlines so you can get the most from your NCURA membership. The Region II 2024 Steering Committee members are 

Adriel Villegas-Estrada (Chair-Elect and Volunteer and Membership Development Committee Chair)

Cassie Moore (Secretary and Communications Committee Chair),

Chea Smith (Treasurer)

Meena Ilyas (Treasurer-Elect)

Lamar Oglesby (Immediate Past Chair and Leadership Development & Nominating Committee Chair)

Catherine Parker (Professional Development Committee Chair)

Margarita Cardona (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee Chair), Mary Louise Healy (Mentor Me Committee Chair)

Charles Bartunek (Meeting Program Committee)

Laura Kingsley (Regionally Elected National Board Member)

Rashonda Harris (Member at Large)

Albana Cejne (Member at Large)

Adam Greenberg (Member at Large)

Rebecca O’Brien (Member at Large)


Please take a few minutes to peruse this newsletter. I am sure there is something that you will find useful. As always, feel free to contact me or any member of the Steering Committee if you have suggestions for Region II activities, educational offerings, or just want to chat.  


Sandy Collier

Region II Chair

University of Maryland, College Park

Region II Celebrates Ann Holmes

Ann Holmes with Region II Past Chair Lamar Oglesby

This past November, Region II celebrated Ann Holmes, whose lifetime dedication to the field of research administration has strengthened and advanced our profession. Plus, she’s an incredibly warm and fun spirit. We caught up with Ann ahead of her retirement this summer to ask her a few questions!


1. What is your #1 piece of advice for research administrators?


My advice, certainly know the regulations, but become an expert in one area. Master the Uniform Guidance or NIH policy or ITAR. Anything that grabs your interest. Others will come to know you as an expert and rely on you for clear answers.


2. Where and when did you start your career?


I began my career at the University of Maryland in the Office of Contract & Grant Accounting. I had no knowledge of the grants and contracts but came with a strong background in improving processes and experience with writing functional specs for new systems. It was the mid 90s and everyone was concerned with the Y2K problem. I was able to lead my team in creating a billing system that is still in use today.


3. Where are you looking forward to traveling this year?


I have two-week trip to Italy planned for late May. I am excited to experience so many of the great cities and the Tuscany area.


4. What is your favorite food?


I have lots of favorite foods but my favorite thing is to try locally-owned businesses. I am a “Diners, Drive-ins and Dives” person.


5. If you were a tree, what tree would you be?


Willow—I have learned to bend with the breeze!

FRA Get Together

Region II will be hosting a get together for Region II FRA attendees on Sunday evening, March 17th, from 7-8:30, location TBA. Registrants will receive more information in the coming weeks. Check out our Facebook group for updated information! Registration ends on 3/1/2024 for FRA and PRA. We do hope you can join us!

Click Here

Mentor Me Deadline Approaching

Wednesday, March 13 is the deadline for prospective Mentees to be nominated (or self-nominate) for the Mentor Me program. The Cheryl-Lee Howard Mentor Me Program provides a one-on-one, targeted approach to learning about the field of research administration and NCURA at both the regional and national levels. Learn more and sign up here! 

Click Here

2024 Fall Meeting Information and Program Committee Volunteer Opportunities

NCURA Region II is excited to announce that our 2024 Regional Meeting will be held at the Kimpton Hotel Monaco Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh, PA, from November 10-13, 2024! Stay tuned to emails, Facebook, and our Region 2 website in the coming weeks and months for information concerning registration, hotel blocks, and more! 

In the meantime, if you are looking for a way to get involved with NCURA Region II, consider joining this year’s Program Committee! We are searching for approximately 20 to 25 volunteers who are able to attend regular conference calls and otherwise assist behind the scenes in shaping this year’s conference in Pittsburgh. Planning the Fall meeting is a fun experience, as volunteers get to be involved in such activities as reviewing and choosing the sessions for each track and organizing the fun events. Our first call is slated for Monday, March 11, 2024, at 2:00pm, so, if you are interested, please email our Program Chair Charles Bartunek at [email protected] 

by March 1, 2024.

Board of Directors Call for Volunteers for Region II to the Select Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The NCURA Board of Directors is accepting volunteer applications from Region II to serve on the NCURA Select Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (SCDEI).


Select Committee Member Position Description


(1) position for a member from Region 2* https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/TGVWRD3


Click above on Select Committee Member Position Description for a detailed description of the position, and the required application materials.


Terms: One Year


Application Deadline: March 5, 2024

Click Here


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