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November 6 - 8, 2022
Sheraton Virginia Beach Oceanfront Hotel
The I’m Determined Educator Symposium is an annual event designed specifically for educators wanting to increase their knowledge around topics related to self-determination. This workshop-based opportunity brings teachers, transition specialists, service providers, and administrators together to network, learn from others in the field, and share effective practices.
This year focuses on three concepts: Competence, Autonomy, and Relatedness (CAR). Attendees will learn about opportunities to increase levels of CAR for their students. You will hear from experts in the field, including youth leaders, about what these concepts mean to them and easy-to-replicate activities that can be put into practice in your environment.
The Educator Symposium is sponsored by the Virginia Department of Education. All costs associated with registration, lodging, and meals are covered. Registration will open Monday, September 12th, 2022.