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Winter Quarterly Newsletter

Hello, Region V Members!

I hope this newsletter finds you happy and healthy in the New Year! It seems like it was only yesterday I was getting to meet some of you at the annual ACTE CareerTech VISION conference. Thank you for entrusting me to represent you.

Your policy committee continues to be hard at work ensuring that they are providing experiences, learning, and opportunities for each Region V member. We, as a committee truly want to hear from you – what can we do better to serve you? What would you like to see implemented to support your work? Our focus is on the 6 strategic goals to improve Region V and our support to you.

I am so thankful for our policy committee members (current and past); they each bring so much to our small but mighty committee. I appreciate their knowledge, understanding, and support. As Winnie the Pooh (A.A. Milne) once said, “It isn’t much good having anything exciting, if you can’t share it with somebody.” Thank you, Alyssa, Nora, Rachel, Shari, Shelly, and Trish, for bringing your excitement, enthusiasm for career and technical education (CTE), and eagerness to serve Region V.

If there are any questions you may have or ideas you have for Region V, please contact me.

Board Member - Region V


Shani Watkins

VP, ACTE Region V

Region News

Region V Important Dates

Your Region V policy committee members have been hard at work preparing several opportunities for us to meet and collaborate with Region V members. Check out this calendar of events and opportunities to engage and connect with one another, both virtually and in person! As opportunities are added, we will continue to update this document and share with you! Region V Calendar. This calendar includes hotlinks to a variety of helpful tools and materials for you. Check them out!


Region V Turns 50 in 2025 

Region V is almost 50! As part of the conference in 2025, the conference planning committee is looking for pictures from Region V past conferences. If you have any pictures from prior conferences, you are willing to share, please send to Jenn Fisk.


Meet Some of Our Region V Members!

The Region V Policy committee is connecting with different members across all our states and territories to learn more about them and how they became involved with their state, region, and national ACTE associations.

Meet the ACTEAZ Association's President – Jim Grieshaber

What is one challenge you are currently facing or one success you are proud of?

One success I am proud of is the implementation of the CNA and EMT programs in Dysart. The CNA program is in the second year of implementation and is graduating CNA’s with industry credentials and job opportunities at local medical facilities.

Dysart CTE has developed a partnership with the City of Surprise Fire/EMT and will begin year 1 of the program in 2024-25 school year. Surprise Fire/EMT has been instrumental in the planning, organizing and implementation of this new program. The City of Surprise will provide the instructors for this program at no cost to the district. 

How did you initially get involved in your state association?


When I became a CTE Director, I learned that it was essential for me to get connected with a support system and surround myself with other people knowledgeable in the CTE world. Joining ACETEAZ gave me the opportunity to attend professional development opportunities and network with CTE leaders across the state.

What are you really good at that you can share/support/help others with?

I have been told that I am really good at promoting CTE to community members, supporting teachers with what they need to make their classrooms industry-ready, and supporting students by making connections with professional partners such as West Mec, Westmarc, Banner, Glendale Community College, and the City of Surprise.

Why should individuals consider joining leadership in your state


Making leadership connections is a great opportunity to develop a network of support and learn more about the CTE information that is imperative for success. The state association is made up of CTE stakeholders that truly guide change for our CTE programs, teachers, and students. I have a belief that if you're not willing to get involved, you relinquish the right to talk negatively about decisions that are made. As a leader, it is important that you have the opportunity to have your voice heard and network with those making decisions.

What is your CTE Superpower?

My CTE Superpower is Superhuman Durability because in my CTE world I am able to block impossible thinking when it comes to developing and implementing CTE programs for students. By working with business partners and attending business functions and making the connections needed, our CTE programs are implemented successfully for our students, teachers, and community.

Meet Washington ACTE PresidentKevin Smith

I have to wear slacks and even a tie and jacket at times?


Greetings – I am Kevin Smith.  My education career started in Washington at Enumclaw High School in 1993, as a Social Studies Teacher, and then I became involved with extra-curricular activities. I was a Leadership Teacher, ASB Advisor, Senior Class Advisor and Activity Director. After 13 years, I moved into administration. I served as an Assistant Principal and Career and Technical Education (CTE) Director for 11 years, taking on Alternative Learning and Athletics at different times. After 24 years in Enumclaw, I left for the Renton School District. I am in my 7th year as the CTE Director there. I oversee programs in 9 schools, with over 125 staff, serving all students grades 7-12. My programs include all CTE, Career and College Success Centers, GEAR-UP, Washington Alliance for Better Schools, and Native American Programs. I am currently the President of the Washington Association of Career and Technical Education; serve on the Renton Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors; serve on the Renton Technical College General and Workforce Advisory; and serve as Chair of City U's Professional Educator Standards Board for their CTE Director Program. I am married to my wife Allison, have 3 children, and we just added our first grandchild in the fall of 2022.


In the Renton School District, we are proud of our community and their continued support of our district. The Renton School District, Renton Technical College, City of Renton, Renton Chamber of Commerce, Renton Schools Foundation and Renton Career and Technical Education have all collaborated on supporting and honoring all graduation pathways and all post-secondary options. This has really pulled our community together and it makes Renton a very special place.


I became involved in our area group many years ago and served as the Awards Chair and then Treasurer for the King County Director’s group. I then became the Awards chair for the state Director’s association, and then moved through their presential office, of president-elect, president, and past president. This was a challenge, as the pandemic occurred during this time, and working with my team to plan and present conferences on online, then hybrid, to finally back in person. As stated, I am currently president of WA-ACTE. I took on all these roles to learn, but I am also an extreme introvert, and these public roles are stressors on me, but I need to learn and serve. So, that is why the title of this, “I have to wear slacks and even a tie and jacket at times?”  Normally, I like to keep a low profile at conferences, but to serve I must have a public persona.


I have been around in public education for 31 years now, and my team and I are good at understanding the intent of both federal and state education laws, and moving towards the new legislation even before the final rules are set. We always want to have all resources available for our community. Serving in all my leadership roles has helped me better understand CTE past, CTE now, and the CTE preferred future, and I would call that my CTE Superpower.  I encourage all to get involved in organizational leadership, as it will help you be a better leader, and your community will benefit from your service.


I wish you all the very best.

Membership - Accept the Challenge 

When I think back (way back—24 years ago) to my first years of teaching in CTE, the main reason I joined ACTE was because of one of my co-workers and mentors. Dianne Mondry was who I would call a truly dedicated and involved ACTE member. She was a leader at many levels. She let me know that joining ACTE is what I should do and pushed me to join. She was my influencer of the time! To be honest, I joined because someone shared the opportunities that membership offered and how I could be part of the decisions made in CTE. 


Today, I enjoy membership in ACTE for many reasons. Those reasons include a voice on Capitol Hill—advocacy. Something I do not consider myself good at—so I greatly appreciate those who are good at persuading legislators to allocate funds for CTE. I know this is vital to all CTE programs and most of all student learning opportunities for our nations future. Another major reason I enjoy ACTE membership is networking. The number of connections I have made through ACTE in our state, region, and the nation are difficult to count. Also, through this networking, I’ve enjoyed the opportunity for leadership. Serving on the Region V Policy Committee has been a wonderful chance to serve other members, learn more about ACTE, and build a bigger network which includes fellow educators and friends. Resources—the books and ability to hear what other educators are doing through the Techniques magazine are important to me. These are just a few of the major reasons I have enjoyed membership in ACTE and will continue to be a member. 


So, all because when I was a new teacher, a mentor told me about ACTE and the benefits—that’s what got me hooked on ACTE. Think about your influence as a mentor teacher. Who have you reached out to join ACTE? Is there a new teacher in your school, district, or area? Reach out to them—I’m challenging myself to reach out to our district CTE teachers. Will you accept the challenge to reach out to other CTE teachers? Be vocal, share your experience about being an ACTE member—your prompting and testimony could ensure membership is maintained and our organization continues to thrive! 


Shari JerdeRegion V Policy Committee Member

Business and FCS Teacher

Community Alternative High School

Grand Forks, North Dakota

Take the One Question Region V Survey

Your Region V policy committee members want to learn more about our Region V practitioners. To honor your work and to learn how we can serve you better, we will be sending a one-to-two question(s) survey out regularly to understand how we can support you better in the field. Please use the following link to complete the survey.

Inclusion, Access, Equity, and Diversity (IAED) Mentorship Program

ACTE's commitment to Inclusion, Access, Equity, and Diversity (IAED) and to developing leaders in CTE is on display with the highest numbers of participants in the IAED Mentorship program since its inception. The 2024 cohort consists of 38 Mentees and 21 Mentors. We are proud to announce that 21 of the total 59 participants are from Region V! Thank you for your continued leadership.


Attention First Time Region V Leadership Conference Attendees

If the 2024 conference in Honolulu, Hawaii, will be the first time you’ve attended a Region V Conference, be sure to apply for one of the stipends that are available. Up to ten $900 stipends will be awarded for the 2024 Conference in Hawaii and the 2025 Conference in Las Vegas. The stipend will be paid over two years with $450 paid upon attending each conference. Awards will be made at the conference. Applications can be found here, on the Region V website or contact Dodie Bemis. Deadline for submission is March 1. We will notify you by March 10 if you are receiving the stipend.

Region V Awards

Region V National Award Winners

At the ACTE VISION Conference in December, Region V had three finalists selected as national award winners.

Congratulations to our national winners:

  • Rod Belnap from Utah - Administrator of the Year. 
  • Kristina Guy from Arizona- Career Guidance Award. 
  • Jan Jardine from Utah - Lifetime Achievement Award


Additionally, the following educators were finalists from Region V:

  • McKayla Gonder Plewe from Utah - New Teacher of the Year.  
  • Justin Brereton from Arizona- Post-Secondary Teacher of the Year.  
  • Lisa Krumwiede from North Dakota- Teacher Educator of the Year. 
  • Jason T. Goble from Utah - Teacher of the Year.    
  • Kip Hansen from Utah - Carl Perkins Community Service

Region V Awards of Excellence Candidates

2025 ACTE Awards of Excellence

State winners who are being moved forward for the 2025 ACTE Awards of Excellence can access the Region V Awards website to complete their video submission by March 1. This year’s Region V Award winners will be announced at the Region V Conference in Hawaii.

State winners and awards chairs, please contact Craig Statucki if you have any questions about submitting for the Region V Awards.

Region V Innovative Program Awards

Did you know that EVERY state and territory in Region V can submit for the innovative awards? There are so many unique, innovative, and creative CTE programs across Region V and we want to recognize YOURS! Each state association may submit one nomination annually, make sure to submit your nomination by the March 1 deadline.

All Innovation Program Award submissions qualify for the award, so long as they meet the following criteria:

  • Program demonstrates a capacity to prepare graduates to perform successfully in an occupational field
  • Program should exemplify the highest standards within its occupational field
  • Staff must be involved in an in-service program to keep abreast of technological changes in their occupational field
  • Program must have been in operation for at least three years
  • Instructor(s) in the program must have been a member of the state association for at least three consecutive years.

I challenge each state association to apply for the Innovative Career and Technical Education Program today! Each State may nominate one program by March 1. The form can be found here. Let’s show our state and regional pride and have all 16 states and territories represent their innovative CTE programs! Innovative awards due May 1.

Region V Communication Awards

Each year at the annual Region V Conference states can submit samples of their communications for the Region V Communication Awards.

The following items may be submitted for consideration: 

Newsletter, Membership Recruitment, Conference Program, Advocacy Publication, and website. 

To submit your state's information for consideration, please use the following link.

Check Out ACTE's Member Benefits Webinar

Hear from ACTE leadership how your professional association supports you and your career through a variety of member benefits, from CTE advocacy and awareness resources, Techniques magazine, member insurance programs, professional development and networking opportunities, and more! Watch now


ACTE Announces Board of Directors 2024 Election Results

ACTE's recent board of directors election was open to the Association’s membership of approximately 25,000 career and technical education (CTE) professionals. We are grateful to all of the candidates for their willingness to serve the Association. Congratulations to the winners:

  • Dustin Davis-Austin, Region II Vice President-elect
  • Martin Hanley, Region III Vice President-elect
  • Karin Davis, Family and Consumer Sciences Education Division Vice President-elect
  • LaDonna Selvidge, Health Science Education Division Vice President
  • Richard Trinkwalder, New and Related Services Division Vice President-elect
  • Jan Jardine, Work-based Learning Division Vice President

Further, given that one person applied to serve in each of the following positions, the board of directors voted to appoint:

  • Shani Watkins, President-elect
  • Craig Statucki, Region V Vice President
  • Matthew Eddy, Agricultural Education Division Vice President
Read more

Celebrate CTE Month!

Generously sponsored by NAHB

Join us as we celebrate CTE Month®, generously sponsored by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). Each year in February, we celebrate educators like you and spread awareness about the importance of CTE by sharing your success stories via #CTEMonth on social media, encouraging your students to participate in this year’s CTE Month-NASA HUNCH student video challenge, “Why Go to the Moon?,” gearing up with festive CTE Month merchandise at to show your support for CTE, and much more!


2024 Events

Hone Your CTE Advocacy Skills & Raise Awareness for CTE

With a featured event from the CTE Research Network

Come voice your opinion on CTE policy and programming, and share what your community needs, at ACTE’s National Policy Seminar, happening March 17–20 in Arlington, Virginia. Featured sessions will cover best practices for influencing federal policy and CTE advocacy and messaging. And on the last day of the event, March 20, the CTE Research Network will address topics that will help expand the evidence base for CTE.


Join Us at Our Annual WBL Conference

Happening May 1–3 at the Baird Center (formerly the Wisconsin Center) in Milwaukee, Wisconsin: the ACTE Work-based Learning (WBL) Conference 2024! This annual event, which sold out last year, offers focused professional development for WBL professionals in secondary and postsecondary CTE programs and institutions. Participants will gain access to a wealth of WBL resources. And they will learn how effective networking can enhance high-quality work-based learning experiences.


Submit Session Proposals for CareerTech VISION 2024! 

Join CTE professionals at ACTE’s CareerTech VISION, happening Dec. 4–7 in San Antonio, Texas. We are seeking session proposals that address the full range of conversations happening in CTE. As educators, you seek to prepare students with the knowledge and skills to succeed in their careers! And ACTE seeks to support you in those endeavors. VISION offers unparalleled networking and hundreds of concurrent sessions. The deadline to submit your session proposals is March 1.


Best Practices Call for Proposals Now Open!

Happening Oct. 9–11 in Portland, Oregon, ACTE’s and NCLA’s Best Practices and Innovations in CTE Conference is seeking session proposals to strengthen the field for CTE administrators of both secondary and postsecondary CTE programs and institutions. The deadline to submit presentation proposals is March 8.


Achieve 100 Award


Apply for the Achieve 100 Award 

ACTE’s Achieve 100 Award is presented to schools and institutions that achieve 100% ACTE membership among their CTE staff and faculty. This is a distinguished award that showcases an organization’s dedication and commitment to CTE. Applications are due Feb. 1.


ACTE Digital Badge

Showcase Your ACTE Membership with 2024 Digital Badge

We encourage you to download, post and share the 2024 ACTE membership badge via your email signature, website and on social media.

Facebook  X  Instagram  YouTube  LinkedIn