Honored Minister Pins
to be Presented
on Saturday
The honored minister pin is an emblem presented by the Pension Fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to people who have retired from full time ministry service and may still be doing interims, pulpit supply or part time ministry. This is meant to thank pastors for their long term service.
The picture on the right is Rev. Greg Widener receiving his pin on his recent retirement from Grants Pass First Christian Church. Sometimes these are presented in congregational settings and sometimes in larger gatherings. This year, on Saturday of Regional Assembly, we will be presenting Honored Minister pins to:
Rev. Larry Crist, retired Regional Minister of South Idaho, current pastor of Treasure Valley Christian Church/Caldwell, ID, and currently serving as one of our Regional Elders. He continues work with the Cascade Christian Camp in Cascade, Idaho.
Rev. Jim Edwards, retired administrator of the Willamette View Manor senior living community and active member of Portland First Christian, having served in multiple offices and leadership positions there.
Rev. Eugene Hill, retired from settled ministry and work in community college settings, and is currently serving in the music ministry of a Methodist Congregation in Nampa, ID. Gene most recently served Interim Ministries in Silverton, OR and Helena MT.
Rev. Michael Kennedy, retired from the faculty of Bushnell University, former Regional Moderator and active member in Eugene First Christian Church and a Regional Elder.
Rev. Carol Miller, retired hospital chaplain, current Regional Elder and member of the Regional Commission on Ministry. Carol is a long time member of Medford First Christian Church.
Rev. Renee Windsor-White, retired from full time service, recently serving interim ministries in Corvallis, Silverton, Murray Hills congregations and as veterinary chaplain at OSU training hospital. Renee is currently also employed part time with the Christian Church in OR and SW ID as Administrative Assistant in our office.
On Sunday, Rev. Joyce Frame will receive her honored minister pin during the worship time at Salem First Christian Church, her home congregation. Joyce is retired pastor of Keizer Christian Church and served as interim minister with Corvallis FCC and provided pulpit supply in several other congregations. Joyce currently serves as the lead Regional Elder.
We look forward to celebrating these leaders in our regional church.