Regional Assembly Theme Scripture
Luke 24:13
As you reflect on our theme scripture this week, read it quietly and see which part of the story connects to you in your life at this time. What moment in the story "clicks" for you and grabs your attention?
Verse "30 While he was at the table with them, he took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to them. 31 Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized him; and he vanished from their sight.
Sometimes our awareness of the presence of Jesus comes in a momentary flash of recognizing -- a triggering of memory, hope, peace, connection. For the people in this story, the moment they saw Jesus was in the breaking of the bread in a way that was familiar and made past/present/future fuse for a moment in their hearts.
Remember a moment when for a flash of insight, or a season, that you deeply felt the presence of Jesus near you, or remember a story that someone told you about a time when they clearly felt the presence of Jesus. Hold that story in your heart and allow it to open your spirit to further sightings of Jesus and hope in these weeks as we prepare to gather for Regional Assembly.