Regional Assembly May 20-21

What's new since April 2 mailing....

  • More about our Special Guests below
  • You can view past emails to learn more about our guest that will keynoter and meet with pastoral families, our Moderator

Mission project and donation links are at the bottom of this email...................

You can access registration info HERE and the schedule HERE.

At Regional Assembly gathers members and friends from 44 congregations that make up the Christian Church in Oregon and SW Idaho. We are from two states, worship in three languages, worship in houses, rented spaces, buildings we own, and on fields where we hope to build buildings. We are congregations as long serving as 175 years plus and as new as 3 years old.

And we serve one God. Together we will share worship, meet church leaders, reunite with friends and make new ones hosted by Salem First Christian Church.
How do we do church
in the age of
pandemic changes?
During the past two years, our congregations have had to learn new ways to be church. And with continuing changing realities, it can be hard do know how to keep adapting. Our assembly this year is all about recalculating and reworking our ministry for the current times while not losing the essence of our identity as Disciples of Christ serving in Oregon and Idaho.
Below you will see guests that are coming from our whole church to have some of those complex nuts and bolts conversations with us like.............
  • How do we best invest our assets and plan for a changing future? How do we provide for the future of our ministries by encouraging endowment giving?
  • How do we pay our pastoral staff appropriately in a time of expanding and reducing of our staff footprints? How do with do this and live within changing tax laws?
  • How do we best use our buildings if we own them? How do we maximize the use of our space for mission and ministry? How do we know when we are in the "right size" of building for our capacity?

Monica Myers Greenberg
Christian Church Foundation
Monica Myers Greenberg is Vice President of the Foundation’s Mountain West zone, which includes the area from Colorado to Northern California and north to Alaska.
Rev. Myers Greenberg is a graduate of Bethany College in Bethany, West Virginia, and Brite Divinity School in Fort Worth, Texas. Originally from Ohio, she served congregations in the Northern Lights Region for 21 years before joining the Foundation staff in 2021.
Monica resides in Seattle, Washington.
Rod Witte
Pension Fund
Rod works with the Pension Fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) which provides pension and retirement savings accounts for clergy and lay employees of congregations, regions, general ministries and church-related colleges and seminaries. Pension Fund manages over $3 billion in net assets on behalf of those served in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico and related international ministries. Rod is known to many in the regional church who have used his expertise the the area of clergy compensation and benefits.
Rosario Ibarra
Disciples Church
Rosario serves as Building and Capital Services Advisor for our regional church and other regions on the western slope. She has been to many of congregations as consultant on building planning, use, and capital campaigns for building projects.
Rosario holds degrees from Fuller Theological Seminary and Ciencia economica at Ricardo Palma.
You can register now and pay later by check or on line. We just want to know you are coming. We have reduced the price by $10.00 per person from 4 years ago. We have offered a first time attender discount. Kids and Youth are invited to come to programs that are offered for free. We hope this will help more people decide to come. We will be streaming some parts of the service, for now we need to know who plans to come in person.

We just need to know that you plan to come.
Let us know and tell your friends to come with you!
Link to the page with registration info HERE

If you cannot come, yet you want to help the assembly provide a gathering for the region, consider making a donation to the costs of the assembly, since this year we are reducing the cost to participants but costs to provide the assembly are higher than previous years.

We look forward to hearing from you!!
Programs and resources are provided to you by your Regional Church and the whole church ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) which are supported by Disciples Mission Fund, Annual Fund gifts, the Christmas Offering, designated gifts, and invested funds Learn more about the Christian Church in Oregon and SW Idaho HERE.