Regional Assembly May 20-21

What's new since March 24 mailing....

  • Information about meals
  • Information about youth and children at assembly

Mission project and donation links are at the bottom of this email...................

You can access registration info HERE and the schedule HERE.

At Regional Assembly gathers members and friends from 44 congregations that make up the Christian Church in Oregon and SW Idaho. We are from two states, worship in three languages, worship in houses, rented spaces, buildings we own, and on fields where we hope to build buildings. We are congregations as long serving as 175 years plus and as new as 3 years old.

And we serve one God. Together we will share worship, meet church leaders, reunite with friends and make new ones hosted by Salem First Christian Church.
Youth and Children
Activities at Assembly
on Saturday
Led by
Michelle and Matthew
Associate Pastors Salem FCC

We are overjoyed to tell you that the new Associate Pastors of Salem FCC, seen here on the recent Sunday where their son was dedicated during worship, will be providing opportunities for presence of children and youth at Regional Assembly on Saturday.

Nursery care and children's programming through grade 5 will be provided without cost, however we do need you to register to let us know you are coming and fill out a permission/release form that will be posted on our website later this week. The children's programming and nursery will be available during the morning and afternoon sessions, with families picking up their kids to take them to the district lunches (see below) that will happen on site.

The youth are invited to attend the assembly and spend part of the time in a youth hang out space in the church building. During the workshop time the youth will build the hygiene kits that are the focus of the mission project and enjoy lunch together. This event is free for youth grades 6-12. We do need to know who is coming and have a permission/release form for each youth on site which also lists the adult responsible for them during the event. More on this will be posted later this week. Keep watching our website.
Meals at
Regional Assembly
Pastors and their families will enjoy a visit from Disciples of Christ Moderator, Belva Brown Jordan over dinner on Friday night. Tickets are $15 per person and may be purchased on the registration form.

Saturday rolls and coffee will be avialable before the morning session and all registrants will have a box lunch as part of registration. Attenders are invited to share lunch with folks from congregations in their own district. The regional church has five districts. You can see where your congregation fits into the regional districts on the lower left of this portion of our website..... HERE
Remember our Service Project

Bring or send your donations to

Salem First Christian Church
685 Marion, NE
Salem, Oregon 97301

Phone: 503-363-9273

Download the mission project
list of items HERE
You can register now and pay later by check or on line. We just want to know you are coming. We have reduced the price by $10.00 per person from 4 years ago. We have offered a first time attender discount. Kids and Youth are invited to come to programs that are offered for free. We hope this will help more people decide to come. We will be streaming some parts of the service, for now we need to know who plans to come in person.

We just need to know that you plan to come.
Let us know and tell your friends to come with you!
Link to the page with registration info HERE

If you cannot come, yet you want to help the assembly provide a gathering for the region, consider making a donation to the costs of the assembly, since this year we are reducing the cost to participants but costs to provide the assembly are higher than previous years.

We look forward to hearing from you!!
Programs and resources are provided to you by your Regional Church and the whole church ministries of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) which are supported by Disciples Mission Fund, Annual Fund gifts, the Christmas Offering, designated gifts, and invested funds Learn more about the Christian Church in Oregon and SW Idaho HERE.