Welcome to the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission's bi-weekly roundup of news, trends,events, and "A Greater Madison Vision" Updates. To see previous edition of this newsletter, click here .
In This Edition
  • News From Around the Region
  • Looking Ahead to 2018
  • Look at that Gem! A New Book about Webesa Wetlands
  • Mad About Bikes Kicks Off FreeBikes4Kidz Bike Collection Day
News From Around the Region
Stay up to date with our roundup of planning and development news around the region. 

Looking Ahead to 2018

Kicking off 2018, the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission looks forward to furthering our vision and mission through projects that align with our adopted strategies. Here are highlights of 2018 priorities.
Strategy 1: Tell the story of regional planning and CARPC
CARPC will continue to publish news stories, report on Regional Trends, collaborate with regional partners, and assist local communities.
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Strategy 2: Strengthen the connection between CARPC, local governments and area constituents
This year CARPC plans to work with partners to develop a resource management plan for the Waubesa Wetlands Watershed, help implement the Wisconsin Saltwise Partnership recommendations, and present interactive data sets and accompanying analysis that help make sense of complex issues.
 How can we help you with your planning and data needs? Contact info@capitalarearpc.org
Strategy 3: Leverage CARPC’s region-wide activities in facilitating collaborative planning
CARPC and partners will continue this year in creating "A Greater Madison Vision" through a robust community engagement and visioning process. 

Building on input received in 2017, the AGMV team will develop future scenarios that will be voted on by the community. The agency will also continue to facilitate amendments to the Dane County Water Quality Plan that ensures compliance with water quality and quantity standards, and increases awareness of water quality issues.

Stay informed through  AGMV.vision or on  Facebook !
Look at that Gem! A New Book about Waubesa Wetlands
The Capital Area Regional Planning Commission is collaborating with the U.W. Madison Water Resource Management program, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, Town of Dunn, City of Fitchburg, and other stakeholders to develop a resource management plan for the Waubesa Wetlands.

A new e-book by Dr. Joy Zedler highlighting the value of Waubesa Wetlands, Waubesa Wetlands: New Look at an Old Gem, is now available on the Town of Dunn’s website and will soon be available in print.

The Waubesa Wetlands is one of the highest quality and most diverse wetlands in Southern Wisconsin. On the southwestern edge of Lake Waubesa, this State Natural Area has unique spring, sedge meadow, fen, and shrub-carr biological communities. Dr. Zedler and fellow longtime Town of Dunn resident Dr. Cal DeWitt have compiled stories, pictures, and research on the Waubesa Wetlands into a community resource. The book stems from work initially assembled to document the wetland’s importance during its nomination as a Ramsar Wetland of International Importance . Waubesa Wetlands was nominated on the basis of having rare natural community types, supporting endangered species and threatened ecological communities, supporting plants and animals that are important to maintaining biological diversity in the region, and supporting animal species at a critical stage in their life cycle.

The Waubesa Wetlands State Natural Area is collaboratively managed by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, The Nature Conservancy, and Dane County and is open to the public. There are no hiking trials, but visitors can canoe through it.

The book details the wetland’s natural history, stressors posing degradation risks, and management solutions to maintain ecosystem health. For anyone living in the region, this book provides an informative summary of what makes Waubesa Wetlands valuable and provides context for better appreciating this local gem. 
Mad About Bikes Kicks Off with Annual Free Bikes4Kidz Bike Collection Day on Saturday, January 13th
Free Bikes 4 Kidz (FB4K) will collect gently used bikes on Saturday, January 13, 2018, as the first phase of a series of “Mad About Bikes” grants from Madison Community Foundation. The bikes will be donated to 1,000 area youth later this spring.

Volunteer cleaners, preppers and mechanics will refurbish the bikes to make them safe and reliable, and then give them away through a network of area community organizations on Saturday, March 24. Find donation locations, and sign up to volunteer at fb4kmadison.org .

Next RPC Commission
February 8th, 2018 @ 6:15pm
City County Building Rm 351
210 Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard
Madison WI, 53703