As 2018 comes to a close, we thank you for your engagement over the past year and wish you a peaceful and prosperous New Year.

Looking ahead to 2019, which marks 60 years of regional planning in our state, we’re especially grateful for the support and partnerships that make our work possible.

In 1959, ten counties in northwest Wisconsin petitioned the governor to create the state’s first regional planning commission (RPC). Today, Wisconsin’s RPCs are a vital resource with the technical skills and administrative infrastructure to help local communities and counties address challenges that more and more frequently spill over established boundaries. RPCs continue as one of the longest lived and best examples of intergovernmental cooperation within the state.

Click below to read the full article featured in the December issue of Wisconsin Counties magazine.
Upcoming Events
Next RPC Meeting
January 10, 2019 @ 6:15pm
City County Building Rm 351
210 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Madison, WI 53703
Joint CARPC / Madison Area Transportation Planning Board Meeting
January 9, 2019 @ 6:30pm
Water Utility Room A-B
119 East Olin Avenue
Madison, WI 53713