Welcome to the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission's bi-weekly roundup of news, trends, and events. To see previous edition of this newsletter,
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- News From Around the Region
- CARPC Bids Farewell
- DATCP Advice to Farmers: Plan to Spread? Look Ahead
- Register Now - Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce Icebreaker
- Register Now - 12th Annual Nelson Institute Earth Day Conference
News From Around the Region
Stay up to date with our roundup of planning and development news around the region.
The Capital Area Regional Planning Commission and staff will be bidding our farewells to two phenomenal team members at the end of March.
Aaron Krebs a.k.a. Captain America began his journey in 2004 as an employee of Dane County RPC, which later became the Capital Area RPC in 2007. For the past 14 years he has worked as the GIS specialist mapping urban service areas, environmental corridor amendments, and conducting land use inventories every 5 years.
Aaron will continue his work with Dane County Planning and Development as a GIS specialist working on the mapping of zoning, planning, and property records.
Ramona Lowery began working in June of 2013 as an intern assisting in the Future Urban Development Area (FUDA) Planning process. After a short stay in the south of France for a semester long study abroad she returned as an Environmental Resources intern where she completed works ranging from population counts, the 2015 Land Use Inventory, and the MMSD Capacity Study.
As a recent graduate from the Nelson Institute Masters of Environmental Resources in conjunction with a Masters of Urban and Regional Planning from UW-Madison, Ramona looks forward to new opportunities in her field focusing on planning for renewable energy production in the urban environment.
DATCP Advice to Farmers: Plan to Spread? Look Ahead
With our recent spring-like weather, farmers may be starting to think about getting their manure pits cleaned out. One tool to help farmers judge when to spread manure is to check the online
Runoff Risk Advisory Forecast
The runoff forecast provides maps showing short-term runoff risk for daily application planning, taking into account factors including soil moisture, weather forecast, crop cover, snow cover, and slope. It is updated three times daily by the National Weather Service.
“We strongly encourage farmers to avoid spreading manure during high-risk runoff times, but if they must, they should steer clear of high risk fields and have a spill response plan in place,” says Sara Walling, water quality section leader with the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. “It’s important to get manure pits emptied, but it's equally important to spread manure when and where it will remain to fertilize the crop, and protect lakes, streams and groundwater."
Dane County farmers should contact their crop consultant or the
county land conservation office
for help identifying alternatives to spreading during high-risk times, such as stacking manure away from lakes or rivers, drinking water wells, or area with sinkholes or exposed bedrock. Walling also advises farmers to have an emergency plan in any case. The plan should include who to call and what steps to take if runoff or a spill occurs, how to clean it up, and perhaps most important, how to prevent it from happening. Information about preventing and planning for manure spills is available from the
DNR website
Register Now - Greater Madison Chamber of Commerce Icebreaker
Date: Thursday, April 12, 2018
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Kohl Center
- 601 West Dayton Street, Madison, WI, 53703
IceBreaker is deeply rooted in a sense of place, of who we are and where we are going as a community. It is about the people who are accelerating Greater Madison into the future and those who help us peer around the bend. Most of all, it is about what connects this community to those who yearn to do more. To be more. Those who possess a relentless drive to Seek the Greater.
Register Now - 12th Annual Nelson Institute Earth Day Conference
Date: Monday, April 23, 2018
Time: 9am to 4:30pm
Location: Monona Terrace Community and Convention Center
The theme of this year’s conference is, Up for the Challenge: Innovation for People, Places and the Planet, will explore challenges and solutions through local and global lenses. Conference sessions will explore the interconnectedness of environmental quality, economic development, social justice, and public health. 12th Annual Nelson Institute Earth Day Conference
Next RPC Commission meeting
April 12th, 2018 @ 6:15pm
City County Building Rm 351
210 Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard
Madison WI, 53703