City Considering Submitting Comments on the Civil Aviation Noise Policy Review - Share comments by July 7
The City of Palo Alto is considering submitting a comment letter on the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) Review of the Civil Aviation Noise Policy.
If you have suggestions for comments that should be included in a letter from the City, please submit them to Palo Alto Airport Manager Andy Swanson at, by July 7, 2023. View the FAA’s summary of the noise policy and the Federal Register request for comments.
The FAA invites public comments from interested individuals, entities, and other parties to review four key considerations of its civil aviation noise policy, in the context of noise metrics and noise thresholds. The civil aviation noise policy defines how the FAA analyzes, explains, and publicly presents changes in noise exposure from aviation activity: recreational and commercial fixed wing airplanes, helicopters, commercial space transportation vehicles, unmanned aircraft systems, as well as emerging technology vehicles (newer types of vehicles that will operate in U.S. airspace). The FAA will consider how changes to the civil aviation noise policy may better inform agency decisionmaking, the types of impacts it considers in making decisions (e.g., community annoyance, certain types of adverse health impacts highly correlated with aviation noise exposure), and potential improvements to how the FAA analyzes, explains, and presents changes in exposure to civil aviation noise.
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