Maps Explore Urban Development and Preservation of Farmland and Natural Resources
As part of our ongoing Regional Development Framework update, CARPC is preparing a map that reflects local and regional goals. To date, we've created map layers focusing on climate change resilience and farmland and natural resource preservation. These layers are now viewable in an online interactive map.
Regional Partnership Funds USGS Monitoring of Swan Creek
Thanks to contributions from the City of Fitchburg, the Town of Dunn, and the Lake Waubesa Conservation Association, along with a 25% cost share from USGS, funding has been secured for a USGS monitoring station on Swan Creek. CARPC played a key role in providing information to decision makers, and the Friends of Waubesa Wetlands were important advocates for the project.
The APA-WI Equity & Diversity Committee is conducting a survey to learn how planning professionals are dealing with equity issues in the communities and organizations where they work. Results will help the Committee better understand how to help planners and policymakers advance equity in our communities.
The Dane County Office of Energy & Climate Change is now accepting grant applications for initiatives that further the County's Climate Action Plan priorities. The Clean Energy Economic Development Grant Fund supports economic development that will protect our environment, create jobs, invest in cutting-edge technologies, and provide just and equitable access to clean energy.