We Have a New Look!
It's official: CARPC and the Greater Madison MPO have completed our joint rebranding process! For CARPC, this means a new logo and a new look for our online platforms, documents, and publications. In addition to these aesthetic components, the MPO's rebrand also includes a name change and updated mission statement.

Our new brands create a visual connection between CARPC and the MPO that reflects our joint commitment to integration and collaboration. They also move us one step closer to achieving our goals of increasing accessibility, expanding communications with our partners and the public, and better addressing the needs of Dane County communities.

Congratulations to Linda Firestone!
Congratulations to Linda Firestone on your retirement! Linda retires from CARPC after five plus years with the agency. Thank you, Linda, for making sure everything runs well and for taking on the very wide range of tasks from meeting minutes to finances to personnel, along with big projects like the office move and record digitalization. We wish you a long and happy next chapter in your life.

- CARPC Staff and Commissioners

Regional Updates
News from around the Region
Stay up to date with our roundup of planning and development news from around the region.
Meet Our New Team Member: Haley Smith
CARPC is pleased to welcome Haley Smith as our new Administrative Services Coordinator. Haley brings a wealth of accounting, administrative services, human resources, payroll, and clerical experience to this role.
Regional Goals & Objectives Update
At the October CARPC meeting, Commissioners adopted a resolution approving draft goals and objectives to guide the Regional Development Framework. This approval follows several rounds of revision based on feedback from partners and stakeholders.
Data & Trainings
Updated Rental Vacancy Data
Third quarter MG&E rental vacancy rates were down slightly from the second quarter to 4.3% on average. This marks the continuation of a trend of increasing vacancy rates since about 2013 when rates at their lowest point in the past 15 years. Average rental vacancy in 2013 was a mere 1.9% of rental units. A rate of around 5% is generally considered healthy.
Upcoming Salt Certification Trainings
The final virtual workshops in the City of Madison's Online Winter Salt Certification Training series are scheduled for October 27 & 28. Learn about simple practices that can save you time and money and protect our freshwater resources. The trainings are free, open to all communities and businesses, and meet the requirement for the City of Madison Winter Salt Certification Program.
MPO Corner
MPO Remote Work Survey Results
In June, the Greater Madison MPO conducted a remote work survey to assess the impact of COVID-19 on regional telework trends and employee/manager attitudes. A summary report and full survey results are now available on the MPO's website. The findings will inform the work of the MPO's transportation options program.
Commission Activities
Adopted a resolution affirming the importance of a USGS monitoring station on Swan Creek and requesting the City of Fitchburg to include funding in their 2021 budget
Held a public hearing on a Sewer Service Area Amendment in the City of Middleton

Adopted a Resolution approving draft goals and objectives to guide the Regional Development Framework
Next CARPC Meeting
November 12, 2020 @ 6:00pm

Virtual Meeting Via Zoom

Visit our Meeting Info page for the most up-to-date meeting information