Join an all-star panel for a fireside chat on the economic future of Saskatchewan.
As the world shifts to greener resources, critical minerals will be key. Including those abundant in Saskatchewan: Lithium, Copper, Zinc, and Rare Earth Elements.
It promises to be an entertaining and informative discussion on the business outlook and uses in a cleaner world. As well as the technological developments, investment opportunities and risks, investment vehicles, and tax incentives.
Come out and learn about the next potential Potash and Uranium sectors. Areas that will drive Saskatchewan’s economy and investment portfolios for decades to come.
Moderated by Pam Schwann, President of the Saskatchewan Mining Association.
Troy Boisjoli, President and CEO, Murchison Minerals
Michael Crabtree, President and CEO, Saskatchewan Research Council
Zach Mauer, President and CEO, Prairie Lithium
Dan Myerson, Executive Chairman and CEO, Foran Mining
Do not miss out on the chance to hear from those who are making the future, today.