Dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus, part of the growing repentance remnant, cleansing as His Bride, getting ready for His soon return as our Bridegroom-----
Rev 3:19
As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent...
As most of you already know - we at National Day of Repentance are having regular Weekly as well as Ad Hoc Zoom meetings to Regularly Encourage Personal and National Repentance across the Globe - in and for every Nation - like some of the photos posted above showing the impact of preaching Repentance in different nations - l In Malawi Repentance is taught to the youths, including Leadership Training as part of the OUT Training Project, and then also Bishops Edward & Sylvester completed their visit in Botswana after Preaching Repentance in various churches and functions in Botswana - and are now on their way back home - getting ready for this coming weekend's Repentance Summit in 2 Districts in Malawi North ! Then from Malawi & Botswana, we can also report back of Ps Isaac Preaching Repentance all over Uganda at different events - including a Funeral of a Professor Nathan from Kyambogo University!!
Repentance is preached now almost daily through various Repentance gatherings in now 11 Africa countries alone, as well as Australia and parts of the USA !! We also have our regular weekly Zoom meetings, where Repentance is encouraged to anyone that attends, or picks us up via Facebook livestream or even via YouTube of people watching the replays!!
You are welcome to Visit our National Day of Repentance YouTube Channel for even more video clips from all the Meetings in Malawi, Botswana, as well as testimonies from the youths in Zambia preaching Repentance in Lusaka, as well as our Replays from our different Zoom meetings.
Remember to Click Subscribe & the Notification Bell, so you will be notified by YouTube the minute we upload any new content.
THUS: We invite you to become a part of at least one of our regular weekly meetings, and experience the healing and restoration and times of refreshing that follow times of Repentance. Satan wants to hide this Truth, but Freedom and JOY follow repentance!
We all fall short of the glory of God, but there is no condemnation in Christ. He loves us and has given us His Holy Spirit to comfort us and convict us of old sin patterns so that we can, day after day, cleanse through His gift of repentance, to "be holy for I am holy." (1Peter 1:16). No need to wait for repentance one day a year; every day is appropriate for cleansing as part of His Bride. There's no condemnation in Christ. During our weekly meetings there are times in private with the Holy Spirit to look at a major sin pattern such as pride. If you really wish to share later, you are welcome to share your testimonies and experiences with everyone on the call, to encourage others in their faith to also make the commitment: In living Holy before our Lord, as His Pure, Holy Bride in this world - without Spot, Blemish or wrinkle - (Ephesians 5:25-27), separated from all the Wickedness going on in this world..!!
And we thus invite you to register for at least one of our Weekly Zoom meetings all listed below. And then make a point of joining us every week - where we can share, pray and repent together - first for ourselves individually - but then also through intercession, repent for our families, friends, our Church, our Villages, Towns, Cities and even Nations as well as for the Global Church of Yeshua/Jesus, the Messiah/the Christ.
PLEASE NOTE The Time Changes for our Meetings from this coming week going forward for the next few months into the New Year - due to the Time changes in the USA on Sunday Nov 3rd, 2024, the times are Moving Back 1 hour.
Thus the times have changed for everyone OUTSIDE the USA - where the meetings are determined by the USA times.
AND: There has also been a time change in Israel on October 27th, and thus, for everyone dialing in from Israel - Please Note also that you take note of the different times for our Zoom meetings !!
We normally start every week with our first Zoom meeting on Tuesday mornings @ 9am Pacific Time for about 90 minutes, with the title of the meeting: Teshuvah-God's Gift of Repentance - specifically focusing on Israel, praying for the Jewish Nation to Repent and to Receive Yeshua/Jesus as their Messiah / Savior and for all "Christians" to honor ALL of God's eternal Word. We are now One New Man! (Ephesians 2:15); "There is one body, one Spirit, one LORD, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." (Ephesians 4:4-6).
Then NOW @ 12noon PT/3pm EST still on a Tuesday, we connect with the team in Australia - for a weekly Australia Kneels Repentance gathering, which is @ 7am Sydney time, every Wednesday morning Sydney time...
Then on Wednesday mornings 10:30am PT - we connect again via Zoom - for a Time of Personal Repentance, Cleansing His Bride - Perfecting Holiness in the Fear of God.
During this precious time to connect as His saints, we take several minutes in private time with the Holy Spirit, to look at one or two specific Sin-Strongholds we are all struggling with, which we can confess to the Holy Spirit in private and then privately repent from it. In private each of us can confess that Sin Stronghold and ask Him to help us remove it (1 John 1:9). If someone then wishes they can share the joy of releasing it. Cleansing His Bride, as the Holy Spirit guides us each week, we are seeking His guidance, and sharing our experiences, insights, and growing in the Lord's Love and Forgiveness for us, as we choose to Repent, and change our lives to live more holy as He is Holy. (I Peter 1:15,16).
And on Thursdays we close the week's Zoom meetings as we meet at 8 AM Pacific time with the Africa Kneels Pastors from now 11 African Countries - Receiving praise reports of the FIRE of the Holy Spirit bringing His Gift of repentance to many! Africa is ALIVE with a major move of God. The Holy Spirit on the zoom call encourages more repentance, and supports all on the zoom call with His Word, Teachings, Communion, and also His Wisdom in their planning of next events in their countries. It also includes feedback from current or recently past events - such as the major outreach in Tanzania, or the continued work being done in Malawi & Zambia... - see some of the photos above...
If you want to be encouraged in your faith as to what is happening in Africa, this is the Zoom meeting to be part of. God is moving in Africa !! These pastors are on fire for God, preaching Repentance all over, changing hearts and lives as they go - even seeing miracles, signs and wonders + healings following them, leading people in Repentance Prayers, and calling the lost unto the image above. The Scriptures in the Book of Mark 6:12,13 are now coming alive !
And please do join us for COMMUNION every Thursday, as part of the Africa Kneels meeting. We now specifically extract the Communion message from this past week's meeting for you to watch and share with others. This week's communion message was quite special with Ps Steven Lazar sharing extra insight on the Passover Seder, from where the communion was originated by Jesus / Yeshua.
You will see the link further below - directly after the Africa Kneels Registration & Replay links - Look out for the YouTube Link to watch the Communion message. We believe this message will bless you, and give you Revelation & Deeper insight as to the DEPTHS of God's Love and Desire for His People and what that it means to us today...!!
You will find all the Registration links further below for all of the relevant events this coming week (as well as the Replay links from the past week's meetings)...
Extra NOTES:
- The Zoom details will stay the same every week, but we will send out a weekly mail as a reminder of our upcoming schedule for the week. You just need to register at least once, to receive the Zoom information in an e-mail, which you are welcome to keep, and just use every week to join us, or should you lose your e-mail, you are welcome to re-register to receive the link again. We'll keep you informed.
- The relevant times for the different Time Zones across the Globe will also be listed in the details you will receive.
But if you do have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us, or visit our website: for even more information on these Zoom meetings...
Our National Day of Repentance YouTube channel has copies of most of our prior zoom meetings.
As the LORD is lighting His Holy Spirit Fire and Gift of Repentance, please keep a regular eye on our Newsletters, so that you can stay informed at all times and join us in prayer for His Precious Fire of Repentance to spread,
touching hearts and nations!!