Global Day of Repentance - USA

Above is the Replay Video of our Global Day of Repentance Zoom Meeting just prior to the 47th Presidential Election of Pres. Donald Trump, on Monday, January 20, 2025

Dear brothers and sisters in our Lord Jesus, part of the growing repentance remnant, cleansing as His Bride, getting ready for His soon return as our Bridegroom-----

"The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is long-suffering towards us, not willing that any should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9.)

The purpose of National Day of Repentance is simple: in as many nations as possible we encourage His Gift of personal and national repentance.

As you can see from the below recordings, Repentance is continuously preached through various Repentance gatherings in already 11 African countries, as well as Australia and also Pakistan, growing and expanding to more and more preachers in countries!!

The above photos are all taken from recent Repentance events in Malawi & the DRC - and what is so wonderful is, that it is now mostly woman's meetings and conferences. And then in Malawi we had good rains, and the Repentance Jesus Farms are doing very well.

Please visit our National Day of Repentance YouTube channel for even more video clips and recent testimonies, such as those we've received from Apostle Sebita and her women's repentance group in Malawi.

We all fall short of the glory of God, but there is no condemnation in Christ. (Rom 8:1-2) He loves us all and has given us His Holy Spirit to comfort us and convict us of old sin patterns so that we can, day after day with His help, cleanse through His gift of Repentance, to "be holy for I am holy." (1Peter 1:16).

So there is no need to wait for a time of repentance just one day a year as in the old testament traditions; every day is now appropriate for coming into His Kingdom through real repentance, and then, with the Holy Spirit, cleansing as part of His Bride. When you confess a sin He will forgive you (1John1:9). HE LOVES YOU. During our weekly meetings there are regular times in private with the Holy Spirit to look at a major sin pattern such as pride, or jealousy, or bitterness, etc. If you really wish to share later, you are welcome to share your testimonies and experiences with everyone on the call, to encourage others in their faith, all of which encourages us to begin to live holy as His pure, holy Bride, without spot or wrinkle. (Ephesians 5:25-27; 1 Peter1:15,16).

To continue encouraging this growing move of Repentance, our regular weekly Zoom meetings encourage private times of Repentance to all attending the call, including those that pick us up via Facebook livestream as well as via YouTube for people watching the replays of these meetings!! Satan wants to hide this Truth, but Freedom and JOY follow Repentance! please sign up for zoom meetings on our website:

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We start every week with our first Zoom meeting on Tuesday mornings @ 9am PT/ 12noon EST for about 90 minutes, with Teshuvah-God's Gift of Repentance - specifically focusing on ISRAEL, praying for the Jewish Nation to Repent and to Receive Yeshua/Jesus as their Messiah / Savior and for all "Christians" to honor ALL of God's eternal Word. We are now One New Man! (Ephesians 2:15); "There is one body, one Spirit, one LORD, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." (Ephesians 4:4-6). PLEASE JOIN US; HERE IS A LINK TO BE REGISTERED ON THE BOTTOM OF THE HOME PAGE FOR THAT ZOOM CALL--

Then @ 12noon PT/3pm EST still on a Tuesdays, we connect with the team in AUSTRALIA - for a weekly Australia Kneels Repentance gathering, which is @ 7am Sydney time, every Wednesday morning Sydney time... PLEASE JOIN US; HERE IS A LINK TO BE REGISTERED ON THE BOTTOM OF THE HOME PAGE FOR THAT ZOOM CALL--

Next we meet on Wednesday mornings 10:30am PT/1:30pm EST - where we connect again via Zoom - for a Time of Personal Repentance, Focusing on Cleansing HIS Bride - Perfecting Holiness in the Fear of God. (Ephesians 5:25-27; 1 Peter1:15,16). PLEASE JOIN US; HERE IS A LINK TO BE REGISTERED ON THE BOTTOM OF THE HOME PAGE FOR THAT ZOOM CALL--

And lastly on Thursdays we close the week's Zoom meetings as we meet at 8 AM Pacific time with the Africa Kneels Pastors from now 11 African Countries - Receiving praise reports of the FIRE of the Holy Spirit bringing His Gift of repentance to many! Africa is ALIVE with a major move of God. The Holy Spirit on these zoom calls encourages more repentance, and supports all on the zoom call with His Word, Teachings, Communion, and also His Wisdom in their planning of next events in their countries. God is moving in Africa !! If you want to be encouraged in your faith as to what is happening in Africa, this is the Zoom meeting to be part of. These pastors are on fire for God, preaching Repentance all over, changing hearts and lives as they go - seeing miracles, signs and wonders + healings following them, leading people in Repentance Prayers, and calling the lost unto the image above. The Scriptures in the Book of Mark 6:12,13 are now coming alive ! PLEASE JOIN US; HERE IS A LINK TO BE REGISTERED ON THE BOTTOM OF THE HOME PAGE FOR THAT ZOOM CALL--

we take COMMUNION every Thursday, as part of the Africa Kneels meeting. We specifically extract the Communion message from the meeting for you to watch and share with others. Our dear volunteer, Susan Hammer, is anointed to teach and to reveal the depth of Communion.

Please see the Replay link of the latest Communion: Looking at how Communion often confronts us with making the right choices for God, or to Repent, when we realized we didn't make that right choice.

And when you've Subscribed to our NDR YouTube Channel see copies of our prior zoom meetings, and keep a look out for the YouTube Links to watch the Communion messages. We believe these messages will bless you, and give you Revelation & Deeper insight as to the DEPTHS of God's Kingdom Principles and what it means to us today - building your Faith in the Lord...!!

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  • If you do have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us, or visit our website: for even more information on these Zoom meetings...

As the LORD is lighting His Holy Spirit Fire and Gift of Repentance, please keep a regular eye on our Newsletters, so that you can stay informed at all times and join us in prayer for His Precious Fire of Repentance to spread,

touching hearts and nations!!


Order Your Copy Today - of Ps Jeff's latest book: SAVED ! From Yourself

All proceeds will go towards National Day of Repentance -

Encouraging Repentance Globally !!

Jan 28

Teshuvah-God's Gift of Repentance - Every Tuesday @ 9am PDT

Join us every Tuesday @ 09:00am Pacific time, which is 7:00pm Jerusalem time, for a 90-minute Zoom meeting, focusing on a time of Prayer and Repentance - for the nation of Israel !!

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the Daylight Savings changes in the USA on Nov 3rd, our Zoom meetings will move 1 hour forward for everyone OUTSIDE the USA!
The time for everyone INSIDE the USA will stay the same @ 9:00am PDT & 12noon EDT.


The Replay link will be made available afterwards on the NDR YouTube Channel



Click HERE for the REPLAY LINK of our latest Teshuvah-God's Gift of Repentance zoom call last week

Please do join us for our Teshuvah - God's Gift of Repentance zoom calls every week on Tuesday mornings @ 9am PT/12noon ET;

But Note: To ensure privacy of the Zoom details, you'll need to register above for our zoom calls.

Remember: You only need to Register once in order to receive the latest Zoom details - and then just keep the information from where you can access it regularly every week.

We also livestream these calls to our Facebook Page, The National Day of Repentance, and Facebook Group, should you wish to follow us.

Please invite anyone you may know that has a heart for Israel and Praying for the Jewish Nation to receive Yeshua/Jesus as their Messiah to join us every week. 🙏

Jan 28

Australia Kneels - Every Tuesday Now @ 12noon PDT

Join us every Tuesday NOW @ 12:00noon Pacific time, which is Wednesday morning 7:00am Sydney Time, for another Zoom meeting, focused on a time of Prayer and Repentance for Australia !
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NOTE: The Time changes again - due to the Daylight Savings changes in the USA - moving 1 hour Backward as from Sunday, November 3rd
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Jan 29

Cleansing His Bride - Every Wednesday @ 10:30 PDT

Join us every Wednesday @ 10:30am Pacific time, for a 90-minute Zoom meeting, focused on a time of Personal Repentance - Cleansing His Bride - through Perfecting Holiness in the Fear of God (2 Cor 7:1)

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the Daylight Savings changes in the USA on Nov 3rd, our Zoom meetings will move 1 hour forward for everyone OUTSIDE the USA!
The time for everyone IN the USA will stay the same @ 10:30am PDT & 1:30pm EDT.


The Replay link will be made available afterwards on the NDR YouTube Channel



Click HERE for the REPLAY LINK of our Latest Cleansing His Bride zoom call this past week

Please do join us for our Cleansing His Bride zoom calls every week on Wednesday mornings @ 10:30am PT/ 1:30pm ET;

We also livestream these calls to our Facebook page, The National Day of Repentance, and Facebook Group, should you wish to follow us.

Please invite anyone you may know that has a need to grow in and/or still need to understand Repentance to join us every week. 🙏

Jan 30

Africa Kneels - Every Thursday @ 8am PDT / 6pm CAT

Join us every Thursday @ 8:00am Pacific time, which is Thursday evening 6:00pm Central Africa Time, for another Zoom meeting, focused on a time of Prayer and Repentance for all of Africa !


NOTE: Please consider joining us for COMMUNION every week !
Let's have communion together as the Lord's Disciples - Receiving Fresh Revelation every week from His Love and Sacrifice.


Both the Replay Links will be made available afterwards on the NDR YouTube Channel



Click HERE for the REPLAY LINK of the latest Africa Kneels zoom call this past week:

Please do join us for our Africa Kneels zoom calls every week @ 8am PT / 11am EST / 6pm CAT;

We also livestream these calls to our Facebook page, The National Day of Repentance and Facebook Group, should you wish to follow us.

Please invite other Pastors and Leaders you may know that has a heart and passion for Africa to join us in prayer and Repentance for Africa 🙏

Below is the extract of the Communion message shared during the Call:

Click HERE for the REPLAY LINK of the Communion - Reminding us that we need to make a choice for God !

We are having Communion every week during our Africa Kneels Zoom meetings... Please make a note in your calendar today, and do join us

This Graphic shows the donations received to date

since we announced our campaign this week - of reaching $50,000 this year for the spread of Repentance.

We received $225; that is .0045 of the goal.

Thank you for every donation that came in - May God Bless you in abundance !!

This is a "good soil" ministry. Please consider prayerfully seeding into this vital ministry by clicking on any one of the donate buttons below (i.e. Cornerstone or Paypal) and join us in this Global Vision !!

And visit our website for even more options to make a donation into this vital move of God:

Thank you in advance for your gift---- fruit will abound to your account.!

God loves a Cheerful giver - and He will bless you in return as you purpose in your heart to prepare and then plant your seed in His fertile soil.

God bless you,

Pastor Jeff Daly

National Day of Repentance

National Day of Repentance---YouTube channel


The Lord makes it clear: Luke 13:1-5, repent or perish. Here's another NDR video on this key scripture:


Join the Global Repentance Movement!

Scan the above QR Code !

Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.

2 Corinthians 7:1

National Day of Repentance |