Register for public hearings now!

Even while the snow is falling today, the legislature is buzzing with remote hearings and meetings.

The Appropriations Committee has their first public hearing on the budget today for the Judicial Branch and DOC Budgets and The Alliance and our members are signed up and ready to speak.

The remaining budget hearings are now open for registration. All of the registration links are below.

We need to be blunt: If nonprofits do not show up in force to testify at this year's public hearings, the prospects of a funding increase will decrease dramatically. Your voice is critically important to showing the legislature that nonprofit funding is important to support our communities and the people you serve.

As with last year, you have the option to testify in-person or virtually, allowing flexibility for as many people as possible to testify. Talking points will be sent out by the end of the week to aid in drafting your testimony.


Thursday, February 15 at 2:00 pm | OEC and SDE Budgets

Registration closes on Wednesday, February 14th at 3pm. Register here.

Wednesday, February 21 at 2:00pm | DSS, DCF, and DADS Budgets

Registration closes on Tuesday, February 20th at 3pm. Register here.

Friday, February 23 at 4:00pm | DECD, DOL and DOH Budgets

Registration closes on Thursday, February 22nd at 3pm. Register here.

Monday, February 26 at 2:00pm | DPH, DDS and DMHAS Budgets

Registration closes on Sunday, February 25th at 3pm. Register here.

The full schedule can be found here.



  • Start organizing now and make a plan to register as many people as possible to testify.


  • You have the option to testify in-person at the Legislative Office Building in Hartford or virtually. If you can be there in person, we encourage it!


  • We will send you talking points to help you draft your testimony.

  • Once you have registered, we will send you and email with the speaking order.


  • If you need help organizing your staff or people you serve, reach out to us!


Gian-Carl Casa, President & CEO

CT Community Nonprofit Alliance

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