Save These Dates!

May 5
Parenting for LYFE
11:15 in the Social Hall

June 10-June 14
Vacation Bible School - 
To Mars and Beyond
*register at

June 15
Marriage Retreat
10am-3pm @ HAUMC
*register at

June 23-June 29
LYFE Camp for 7th grade and up
*register at

August 12-15
Earth Camp @
Koinonia Retreat Center
Grades 1-6
*register at

June 10 - June 14 
Vacation Bible School -
To Mars and Beyond
*register at

June 23 - June 29 
*register at

August 12 - August 15  Earth Camp
*register at
Sunday Snapshot
Blue Team, Purple Team, Green Team
Last Week: Worship with family
This Week: Thomas Believes
Next week: The Great Commission

Orange Team:
Last Week:  Worship with family
This Week:  Conversion
Next Week: The Gospel

Club 67:
Last Week: Worship with family
This Week: Why did Jesus go to hell?
Next Week: Is it ok to be angry with God?
Registration is Open!
Register now for Vacation Bible School!
June 10-14
(Morning-only option also available)

Register with a friend to be entered into a drawing for prizes, including the
EP3-20 Puppet! Go to

Spruce the Spire!
Our Hennepin Family comes together for some Spring Cleaning on  Saturday, May 11th, 8:30 am - 11:30 am .  Help us dust, polish, mulch, plant, pick -up, sweep  and more to get cleaned up after our hard winter. There will be activities for all ages making it a great opportunity for the whole family to volunteer together. Come for any part of the morning.  Sign-ups are really helpful, but you can always just show up.  RSV P  at
or find us in  Carlson Hall on Sundays to learn more.    
Little Steps, Big Faith - The Church Community
May 5 in the  Social Hall @ 11:15am
Being lovingly held in a sacred community offers benefits and security to children that can last a lifetime.  
10am - 3pm at HAUMC
Enjoy this time set apart to cultivate your relationship.
Through brief presentations, personal reflection, and time with your partner,
you will enrich your marriage in several key areas.
Your $65 registration fee covers program costs with Lisa Ervin, Licensed Therapist and Spiritual Director, lunch, and childcare, if needed.
Register at

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Hennepin Kids for LYFE is on Facebook! Please "Like" us @hennepinkidsforlyfe for updates on programming,  pictures of our      kids,  and  upcoming activities will be shared weekly.

View on Instagram   
  Hennepin Kids for LYFE is also on Instagram! Follow us @hennkids to see photos of our kids and the "joys" we  feature from the 
  Joy  Jar every Sunday!

Find us on Pinterest
  Hennepin Kids for LYFE is also on Pinterest! Follow us  @HennepinKidsforLYFE  to see our weekly funnies, parenting tips &     tricks,  fun activities, and more!
And what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness and to walk humbly with your God.
- Micah 6:8