Representing Youth in Family and
Criminal Court Proceedings
Web Training
Presented by:
The New York State Defenders Association and
The Western New York Regional Immigration Assistance Center

Tuesday, March 29, 2022 
3:00 5:00 pm

2.0 CLE credits in Professional Practice

This program is for defense attorneys seeking to understand various criminal and family court proceedings and resulting collateral consequences, including the available civil proceedings to assist unaccompanied migrant children
and youth to gain legal immigration status.


Registration Deadline: Monday, March 28, 2022  



Mary Armistead
Staff Attorney
The Legal Project

Sophie Feal
Supervising Attorney
Western New York Regional Immigration Assistance Center
The Legal Aid Bureau of Buffalo

Lana Tupchik
Attorney at Law
Tupchik Legal Group, PLLC

 This program is intended for criminal defense and family court attorneys and other members of the legal team, including paralegals, investigators, social workers, parent advocates, and mitigation specialists.

NYSDA has been certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board as an Accredited Provider of Continuing Legal Education in the State of New York (2019–2022) in traditional and nontraditional formats. This transitional/nontransitional program has been approved in accordance with the requirements of the Continuing Legal Education Board for a maximum of 2.0 credit hours. No CLE credit may be earned for repeat attendance at any accredited CLE activity.
New York State Defenders Association |194 Washington Ave., Suite 500, Albany, NY 12210 518.465.3524 x25