A Special Webinar!
"Let's Talk About Mental Health &
Developmental Disabilities"
With Dave Hingsburger and Dr. Yona Lunsky
January 27, 2016 - 2:00pm (EST)
Dr. Yona Lunsky is part of the the Health Care Access Research and Developmental Disabilities (H-CARDD) Program and is affiliated with Centre for Addiction and Mental Health and University of Ontario Institute of Technology. This conversation will focus on removing the stigma of mental illness.
We will start by asking these questions:
What does mental health mean to you?
What does it mean to the people you support?
Have you ever talked about mental health?
Joseph Macbeth from NADSP and Dave Hingsburger from Vita Community Living Services in Toronto, Canada will examine the important topics raised in the newsletter (available January 27th) by having a conversation with Dr. Lunsky, the author of this issue and expert on the topic.
Registration is limited to the first 1000 people - please click here to register today!
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
* We will share a link to this newsletter on January 27th
with all participants who join the webinar!