Fun Run Kicks Off This Morning; Register Your Child Tonight on!
Parents and Guardians,
Our Fun Run fundraiser is finally here! We kicked off the program today with an awesome Pep Rally to get our students fired up to help Topeka Collegiate raise money for field trips.
Today your student will be coming home with his or her pledge crown. Please register your child on tonight! If you cannot find Topeka Collegiate on the drop-down menu, please type in the student code: 277677. Your child will receive a FREE gift, just for registering on
Please encourage your student to ask friends, neighbors, and family members for pledges.
Your child can even ask family members from out of state. Let's see if we can get pledgesfrom ALL 50 states. Students will run 30-35 laps on Friday, September 8 at our Fun Run event. Pledges should be entered on daily.
This year's Fun Run theme is "Castle Quest." Throughout the program your students will learn about the 6 virtues of a true hero: focus, self-awareness, respect, trustworthiness, creativity, and being a life-learner.
Thank you for supporting this fitness-focused fundraiser for Topeka Collegiate.
Lisa Austin, Fun Run Co-Chair
Angela Griffith, Fun Run Co-Chair
Briana Jackson, Development Director