Escambia County

Mid-Month Blast

February 2023

Lunch and Learn

USO: Home Away from Home

Wednesday, March 1

11 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Pensacola International Airport

2430 Airport Boulevard

Do you have memories of the United Service Organization (USO)?

  • Did your grandparents meet at a USO canteen during World War II?
  • Have you attended or seen a video clip of a Bob Hope USO show?
  • Have you visited a USO center on a military installation while serving stateside or overseas?
  • Have you seen or used a USO airport center while travelling?

You will have an opportunity to discover the USO's rich history at the next RSVP Lunch and Learn event.

From 1941 through today, we will learn how the USO supports men and women in uniform from enlistment, through assignments and deployments, to their transition back into their communities. The USO is always there to keep military members connected with family, home and country.

We will hear from staff at each USO center in Escambia County including Pensacola International Airport, Corry Station on Chief's Way, and Naval Air Station Pensacola on Ellyson Avenue. Volunteer opportunities at these centers will also be explored.

Our event will conclude by awarding a door prize with airport "bling" and touring the USO Center at the airport.

This event is free, including lunch and parking, for RSVP AmeriCorps members and their guests who are 55 and better. Pre-registration however, is required. Parking instructions and directions to the conference room will be sent to those who have pre-registered before the event.

Pre-Register for USO Event

One-Time Volunteer Opportunity

Tuesday, March 14 and/or Wednesday, March 15

10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

Camp Fire Gulf Wind @ 1814 Creighton Road

Are you passionate about encouraging and supporting children? If so, here is a volunteer opportunity for you!

Camp Fire Gulf Wind is sponsoring "Absolutely Incredible Kid Day" in March. Letters of support and encouragement will be given to elementary students from O.J. Semmes, Bellview, Oakcrest, and the Global Learning Academy.

Volunteers are needed to sort, review and organize the letters during a three-hour shift with lunch being provided. To sign up, click on the date when you want to serve. (See above). You can volunteer both days!  

The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program is an AmeriCorps Seniors initiative for folks who are 55 and better. Volunteers are matched with non-profit organizations to share their time and talent with neighbors needing support.

More Information

Contact the RSVP Manager at