As the country struggled with the initial stages of a global pandemic, Congress responded with a sweeping and unprecedented stimulus package, the CARES Act. Two components of the CARES Act - the Paycheck Protection Program ("PPP") and the Main Street Lending Program - directly impacted banks and lenders of all sizes in many ways.

This program, presented by the Carolinas-Virginias Chapter of the RMA, looks to explore each product's relative successes and challenges and offer some insight from the bankers and policy makers directly on the frontline. 

Meet our Panelists
The panel will be jointly moderated by Matt Cheek and Uel Whitsett, partners at the law firm of Williams Mullen. 

Meet our Moderators
We hope you will join us via Zoom for what will surely be a lively and thought provoking conversation.

No Cost to Attend
RMA Carolinas-Virginias Chapter
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