July 26, 2022
To our community stakeholders:
The Francis Howell School District will host its first in a series of Citizens Roundtable events at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 10 at Saeger Middle School. This is a forum for interested patrons to come together, engage and problem-solve around a relevant and timely topic. This Roundtable will be focused on Prop S. 
Upon arrival, each attendee will be assigned to a table with other citizens and a host. Administration will present a brief update on the status of Prop S and the funds available for future projects. Following the presentation, participants will be asked to consider key questions and provide input that will help the District prioritize the remaining projects. There will be an opportunity to collaborate with fellow citizens, hear diverse perspectives and offer constructive possibilities for the work ahead. The event is expected to last approximately two hours. The feedback gathered at the Citizens Roundtable will be shared with the District’s Facility Advisory Committee and Prop S Design Team before the District makes a recommendation on priority Prop S projects to the Board of Education this fall.

This initial Citizens Roundtable on August 10 is limited to 100 attendees but additional sessions will be added if there is enough interest in the community. An RSVP is required so that we can ensure the correct number of tables and facilitators. The registration form will be open through noon on Monday, August 8 or until the event is full. Sign up here.

Interested in providing feedback but can’t attend the August 10 Citizens Roundtable? No problem! Look for a short survey following the event. You’ll have the opportunity to provide input on the same topics as the in-person participants. 

Will I have an opportunity to speak to the Board and Administration at this event?
Citizens Roundtable events are focused on problem solving around a particular topic. There will not be an open forum to address the full Board and Administration, but each small group will have an opportunity to share their thoughts during the event.

Is this a child-friendly event?
Childcare will not be provided. The goal is to allow patrons an opportunity to engage around District issues.

Will food or refreshments be served?
Water and small snacks will be available at each table but it is recommended that participants eat dinner before the event.

I have a vested interest in one of the projects on the list. Should I rally support for this particular project so that it’s more likely to be considered a priority? 
No. While we realize that every stakeholder in our community likely has a project that will most directly impact them or their children, we ask that participants think about the big picture and the most pressing needs across the District, not just the schools in their neighborhood. 

Will this group be voting on which projects to move forward?
No. There will not be a formal vote on August 10. Instead, stakeholders will provide input through a series of conversations. Our goal is to better understand the values and criteria our community finds most important as we consider the types of projects to prioritize. 

I can only come for part of the event; should I still sign up?
The event is expected to last approximately two hours. Since the discussion and work at the roundtables requires an understanding of Prop S and the funds available, it would be difficult to miss the presentation and be able to contribute fully to the conversation. For this reason, we recommend that only participants who can attend the full event sign up. 

If more than 100 people sign up, how will you decide who gets to come?
If we have a larger-than-expected response, we may open up additional sessions to accommodate those who aren’t able to attend on August 10.

Can I sign up more than one person?
Each participant should complete a registration form. If you’d like to register another person, please submit a separate registration form in their name. Please also remember that tables will be assigned upon arrival and you and your partner will likely be placed in different groups. This helps ensure a variety of perspectives are considered at each table.

Are you collecting input from other groups?
Yes! Over the next couple of months, we are asking for input from community members, staff, administrators and other stakeholders. All the feedback collected will be shared with the District’s Facilities Advisory Committee – a group comprised of stakeholders across the District (parents, business owners, taxpayers and staff). They will use feedback from the Citizens Roundtable event, along with survey information and reports from other committees to make a recommendation about which Prop S projects to prioritize. This recommendation will be presented to the Board of Education this fall.

Who can I contact with questions?
Send questions about this event to [email protected] and someone will get back with you as soon as possible.