The Pollinator Plot: Cross+Pollination in a Time of Ecological Crisis

Saturday, April 15, 9:30 – 3:30p.m. with reception to follow
Twin Ports, Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Duluth and online. 
Co-presented by: The EcoFaith Network NE-MN Synod, the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin Creation Care, and the Saint Paul Area Synod Care of Creation.
Keynote speaker: Margot Monson, entomologist and beekeeper
In a moment of deep ecological crisis, this year’s EcoFaith Summit calls us to become part of the Holy Spirit’s subversive plot to pollinate an alternative way of being human for the sake of life. In this plot, we find our model and hope from pollinator species. These tiny, apparently powerless, often overlooked and disregarded creatures, whose drastic decline endangers so much we depend upon, are a key to the regeneration of life itself.
In this great plot, faith communities of every size and place can be demonstration plots, pollinating alternative ways of living. We all steward plots of land, even tiny ones, which can become pollinator habitat. In this critical and decisive time, a ‘Kairos’ moment, what we do with our specific plots wherever we are, matters. How we live the Gospel paradox that God’s power is shown in weakness can engage us in active hope amid the growing crisis we face.
Through worship, keynote presentation, diverse storytellers, conversations, and engagement sessions, together we will be empowered to be participants in this unfolding plot. Download this overview here.
  • Awaken a shared sense of urgency and hope in this Kairos moment of ecological crisis
  • Equip us to take bold action in demonstrating faithful stewardship of the earth.
  • Engage congregations across the region in supporting pollinator habitat.
  • Cross-pollinate relationships and collective responses between three upper Midwest synods and beyond.
Homestays before and after the summit are available!

To register for a homestay, please fill out this form.
If you are interested in hosting a homestay, please fill out this form.