OCTOBER 9, 2020
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 10-11:30AM

Join us to learn about our upcoming locals campaign, get an update on how summer business was on the coast and get a peek at our zip code study to learn the top markets for the South Coast to go after. We will hear about how our regional social media is doing and as a group brainstorm unique stories from your area we can tell through our social media. As always, we love to hear from you about the important issues that are facing your community and how we can help. We hope you can join us.

Built Oregon has developed a not-for-profit 'Etsy-like' online Marketplace to support Oregon founders, their companies, and communities.

No matter if you're a seasoned eCommerce expert or just starting off they have made it easy to get your brand and products to market. If you're an Oregon maker and would like to find out more, click on the button below.

Oregon's Employment Department has launched listening sessions for employers and employees across Oregon so they can collect input on the implementation of the Paid Family and Medical Leave Insurance (PFMLI) program. As a reminder, the rulemaking committees have been meeting all year and are expected to continue to meet into 2021. Premiums will start being collected for the program January 1, 2022 with employees accessing the new paid benefit January 1, 2023.

The listening sessions will be held virtually via Zoom. Each town hall will address a particular aspect of the PFMLI program, like benefits or small employers. Town hall participants are invited to identify issues, offer ideas, raise concerns, or make suggestions relating to the program’s development and the administrative rules needed to implement the program.

Please register and share the dates with your colleagues to weigh in–it's important to have our industry employers' voices heard.

Make your voice heard, complete this survey and forward this to others before the deadline of October 30, 2020 if you are concerned about economic growth, over-tourism, workforce investments, protecting the environment, building more tourism infrastructure (trails, kayak launches, etc.) or all of the above.

Your feedback becomes part of the official record at the state level (Travel Oregon) and for Oregon Coast Visitors Association (OCVA) at the coast-region, which determines how funding is allocated across our departments, programs and projects over the next two years. 
2020 has presented new and dynamic challenges that require innovative problem-solving and leadership. Your responses will directly inform our investments and solutions to our shared coastal challenges.
It only takes about 15 minutes to fill out from start to finish. Your feedback is critical to insure investments made in OCVA's (Oregon Coast Visitors Association) 2021-2023 are on target and address your concerns.

The 2020 Oregon Trails Summit will be held in conjunction with the Oregon Outdoor Recreation Summit.

Virtual Programming: September 28-October 19, 2020

​Mt. Hood, the intended setting for this year's Summit is deeply valued by many today for its beauty, wildlife, and outdoor recreation opportunities. Before colonization of this region, Mt. Hood also supplied resources for a significant number of bands and tribes, including, but not limited to, the Clackamas (not original pronunciation), Multnomah, Molalla, and the Wasq’úpum.

​While the summit cannot host the large, in-person gathering they originally planned for this fall, the Oregon Trails Coalition and their partners are committed to bringing the community together to learn and build relationships online.

​You won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn and collaborate with the Oregon trails and broader outdoor recreation community!
CCD/State of Oregon COVID-19 Emergency Business Grant Assistance (Round 4) Application.

Our partners at CCD have launched Round 4 grants for the State of Oregon COVID-19 Emergency Business Assistance Grant Program. Any business who qualified for grants during Rounds 1-3 from CCD, has another opportunity to apply, and should be successful. It is first come first serve.

Important Changes in Round 4:

  • If Business was prohibited from operation as directed by Executive Order 20-12, business must demonstrate a one-month decline in sales of 25% (down from 50% in Rounds 1-3).
  • The demonstrated decline can now be compared to 2019. For instance, your 2020 July sales compared to your 2019 July sales. (Accepting any months between March 2020 and August 2020.)
  • All businesses who has received federal funding to date (PPP, EIDL, etc.) can apply if the total received is less than $100K.
PHOTO CREDITS: Sunset over the water via Built Oregon, Zoom meeting by Visuals, OCVA header via OCVA, Oregon Outdoor via summit, "Dollars" by Chronis.