April/May 2020
Committed to the growth of women’s entrepreneurship, the Women’s Enterprise Organizations of Canada works with women’s enterprise support organizations to champion innovation, broaden expertise and enhance collaboration.
WEOC’s members support women entrepreneurs by providing an array of services, including business skills development, access to financing, networking and export opportunities.
Navigating a New World of Business
This month was full of changes that have affected not only our businesses, but also our day-to-day routines. While it’s taken some time to get used to a new normal, like virtual meetings instead of seeing everyone in the office, I’m grateful to be able to connect with my team every day.

For the past few weeks, we’ve been working on our Ready, Set, Get Back to Business virtual symposium happening from May 12-14. It will be an opportunity for entrepreneurs and women’s enterprise organizations from across the country to come together and share their ideas about how we can all make it through this pandemic and successfully move business forward.

I encourage all of you to attend and contribute to the conversation.

Right now, some provinces are preparing for phase one of their reopening, but many of us are still waiting to hear what our next steps might be. This has been a strange time full of unexpected changes with potentially more to come, but our goal as always is to provide support for women entrepreneurs however we can.

I know our community is resilient and we’ll all get through this together.

Until next time,

Alison Kirkland, CEO
Join experts from women’s enterprise organizations across the country to discuss how women entrepreneurs can survive and thrive during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Session topics include:
  • It’s Back to Business: Are Your Key Processes in Place for a Successful Transition?
  • Protecting your Mental Health for Business Decision Making
  • Moving Forward Through Export
  • Pivoting and Resetting for the Future

This symposium is hosted on our app, and is also available through your desktop browser. Find complete instructions on how to register at weoc. ca or join directly using our app or on your desktop browser

Are you going to register for the symposium?

05/12/20 11:00am - 05/14/20 2:30pm

Begins daily at: 12:30 pm NST / 12 Noon AST / 11 am EST / 10 am CST / 9 am MST / 8 am PST
I'll be there!
I'm considering it
I can't make it
Ground beef, good deeds and transparency: Building customer loyalty during a pandemic
We’ve seen companies across Canada put their customers first in new ways during the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether intentional or not, a company’s good deeds right now can lead to customer loyalty in the future. In this article, experts explain how the pandemic can be an opportune time to solidify your customer base.

Stay connected and motivated this month
Businesses across the country may still be closed or slowly re-opening, but WEOC's member organizations are offering events for entrepreneurs to stay connected and keep learning. Many events coming in the next month will focus on concerns related to COVID-19, such as AWE’s session on business pivoting or WESK’s webinar on cash flow planning during the pandemi c, but there are plenty more.

What is the ideal length of an online webinar?
30 minutes
60 minutes
90 minutes
The balancing act of social media: How often should you post?
Social media is a way to connect with your customers, reach new audiences and showcase your brand. But, you can annoy customers by posting too much, and you won’t gain any traction if you post too little. We spoke with a social media strategist and companies who’ve successfully navigated the online world to find out how businesses can attain a balanced social media presence.


  • Stay Up to Date - Our COVID-19 Resources page is updated frequently with articles, informational videos, tools and external links to help businesses succeed during the pandemic. You can find links to the federal government’s programs for businesses and links to banks and work-sharing programs. We have resources for small businesses, manufacturers, non-profits and freelancers. You’ll find resources on business pivoting and planning, funding, wage subsidies, staff management, logistics, export and more.

  • Listen - Don’t wait to take a break! Behind the Brilliance host Lisa Nicole Bell talks through three questions to help you “design rest” to avoid burnout.

  • Read - Business planning during COVID-19? There are a lot of changes happening right now and many ways to handle them. A Winnipeg salon is already prepping for clients and a plant-based eatery with locations in Alberta and British Columbia is hoping to create brand awareness despite closures. Business advisors also share how entrepreneurs can make decisions that make the most sense for their business. 

Instagram Spotlight
Each month we profile a favourite post from a Canadian woman entrepreneur/organization, this month we highlight Alberta Women Entrepreneurs
AWE was graced with the opportunity to speak with Phoebe Fung, owner of Calgary’s  @vinroomyyc  
Amidst all of this uncertainty, she is committed to remaining positive despite the challenges presented to the hospitality industry by the pandemic.⠀
“We have a lot going for us compared to many parts of the world. But I think the most important thing is that we've learned how to be flexible. Learned how to adapt. Who would've thought that in 48 hours, I would have turned my dine-in restaurant into a take-out delivery service, turned my managers into delivery drivers, and created a brand new menu and brand new website? It's just the new normal. The good that has come out of it is that we've really gotten closer and created deeper relationships and collaborations with our local providers.”⠀
Her four pieces of advice for fellow entrepreneurs?⠀
1. Remember why you got into it in the first place.⠀
2. Access your network.⠀
3. Don't be afraid to ask for help. ⠀
4. Finally, don't strive for perfection.⠀
200-207 Donald Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3C 1M5
