Announcement from The Social Justice Commission
To: All the Faithful
From: Social Justice Commission
Re: Bending Toward Justice 2023
Date: December 1, 2022
Bending Toward Justice:
Annual Day of Prayer and Discernment
Sponsored by the Social Justice Commission of the Diocese of Western Massachusetts

Saturday, January 21st
9:00 am - 3:00 pm
All Saints' Episcopal Church, South Hadley

Come, meet others who are passionate about Gospel justice.
Listen to the Word and discern how the Spirit is calling the Church to action.

  • 9:00 AM Registration opens; Coffee, etc., available in the Parish Hall
  • 9:30 AM Eucharist in the sanctuary; The Rt. Rev. Douglas J. Fisher, presiding
  • 10:30 AM Keynote Address given by The Right Reverend Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows via Zoom
  • 12:00 PM Lunch ($15 fee covers lunch, space rental)
  • 1:00 PM Affinity Groups 1
  • 2:00 PM Affinity Groups 2
  • 2:50 PM Renewal of our Baptismal Vows
  1. Building Creation Care Justice
  2. Episcopalians Against Gun Violence
  3. Becoming Beloved Community
  4. Poor People's Campaign MA/WMA
  5. Shrinking the Racial Wealth Gap
  6. Welcoming the Stranger
Keynote: The Rt. Rev. Jennifer Baskerville Burrows
via Zoom
Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, a native of New York City, holds a bachelor’s degree in architecture with a minor in urban studies from Smith College, an M.A. in historic preservation planning from Cornell University, and an M.Div. degree from Church Divinity School of the Pacific (CDSP) in 1997. Before being elected bishop in 2016, she served in the Dioceses of Newark, Central New York and Chicago. She is the first black woman to be elected a diocesan bishop in the Episcopal Church.

Bishop Jennifer’s expertise includes historic preservation of religious buildings, stewardship and development, race and class reconciliation, and spiritual direction. She is an accomplished distance runner and triathlete and a passionate chef and baker. She and her husband, Harrison Burrows, are parents to Timothy.

A defining experience of her ministry came when she found herself near the World Trade Center the morning of September 11, 2001. In the midst of a fearful situation, her own faith and that of others who sought shelter alongside her gave her a renewed perspective of faith vanquishing fear. “The Episcopal Church teaches me that the world is filled with incredible beauty and unspeakable pain and that God is deeply in the midst of it all loving us fiercely,” she says.
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This is an in-person event. The keynote Zoom meeting is open to those who cannot be with us because of health or distance.
Following Jesus’ call to discipleship and seeking to live into our baptismal promises, the Social Justice Commission of the Diocese of Western Massachusetts strives, with our congregations, to create new ways to heal injustice, challenge violence, pursue peace, and care for creation.

  • Ms. Leah Gregg (Chair) ’18
  • Ms. Cynthia Pease ’20
  • The Rev. Margaret Bullitt-Jonas ex-officio  
  • The Rt. Rev. Douglas J. Fisher ex-officio
  • The Rev. Deacon Michael Hamilton ’21
  • The Rev. Lauren Holm ex-officio
  • The Rev. Vicki Ix ex-officio
  • Ms. Chris Leung '21
  • Ms. Alexizendria Link  ’18
  • The Rev. Tina Rathbone '21
  • The Rev. Jane Tillman ’19
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The Episcopal Public Policy Network A grassroots network of Episcopalians across the country dedicated to carrying out the Baptismal Covenant call to "strive for justice and peace" through the active ministry of public policy advocacy....

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