
We can’t wait to welcome you to Hartford in person in June! We’ve put together some fun and special plans for this two-day meeting. Together, we’ll

  • Explore the wonder of trees, with an emphasis on trees in an urban setting
  • Listen to fascinating and renowned speakers
  • Enjoy the recently renovated and historic Goodwin Hotel in downtown Hartford
  • Tour Hartford's glorious parks, led by expert and entertaining guides
  • Dine al fresco in a beautiful garden setting, and
  • Enjoy much missed camaraderie and conversation with our Zone II friends.

Our wish is that you’ll take home new and useful knowledge, special memories and at least one new friendship.

We'll see you there!
Registration fee - $250

The last day to register is Tuesday, May 31, 2022*

A late registration fee of $100 will be applied after Friday, May 20, 2022.

*No refunds will be given after registration closes. For more information, see the GCA's registration policies.
Health and safety guidelines:

By submitting your registration, you understand that without proof of vaccination or a negative test result no older than 72 hours, you will not be able to attend the event in person. You understand that masks may be required for indoor functions, and that information will be provided to registrants during the week of the meeting. We ask that you leave the event if you become ill. You understand that, as always, you participate in GCA events at your own assumption of risk. GCA event planners, volunteers, and staff on-site are available to support you within these guidelines, and we welcome questions to so that we can ensure you have a safe and positive experience. These requirements are subject to change, and registrants will be expected to adjust to meet any such modifications to ensure everyone's safety.
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