Rocky Mountain Regional APSE Event 2022
Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022
9 AM - 12 PM MST
Beyond Person-Centered Thinking:
Assuring self-determination and social capital building with, and not for, job seekers with disabilities.
This session features two National APSE Board members, Tricia Jones-Parkin and Kie O'Donnell. We'll focus on strategies and tools to enhance involvement and ownership with the jobseeker and the support team through the career planning process with actionable steps including:
  • Essential values and principles of person-centered thinking and competitive integrated employment
  • Tools you can use to implement what you've learned
Innovative Person Driven Low/High Technology Accommodation Tools
This session features Jennifer White, CEO, Able Opportunities, Inc., and examines the lens we use to define supports and accommodation tools, then incorporates the use of high and low-tech accommodations built with and by advocates with disabilities. These tools have a track record of success to address:
  • low motivation
  • passive and aggressive interactions
  • shifting services from compliance (I’ll show you) to alliance (I’ll support you to make reference tools you can use on your own)
  • new twists on low tech accommodations
  • apps as accommodations to gain independence
  • samples of self-advocacy film, customer videos, video training
  • options for sequencing tools to build calendars, learn task steps. cook
  • financial literacy, connecting production and earnings
  • examples and templates for creating “How To” training tools
  • large file of resources
Tricia Jones-Parkin
Utah State University
Regional Delegate – Rocky Mountain & Southwest (Utah)
Kie O'Donnell
The Fogarty Center
Regional Delegate – Northeast (Rhode Island)
Jennifer White
Able Opportunities, Inc.
APSE Business members register free! This is a new perk of 2022 APSE Membership!

The Rocky Mountain Region will have 2.5 hours of educational content focusing on Using Assistive Technology in the Workplace and Person-Centered Employment. PLUS networking opportunities to meet peers within your region.

Registration: $25 for members/$35 for non-members. Business members register free! You are welcome to attend any of the events with a separate registration.

Register and even if you can't make it, you'll have access to the content and recording for 30 days.
Continuing Education Credit: After the live event APSE will provide proof of attendance for any credentials or a continuing education credit. The regional events are pre-approved for 2.5 hours of CESP Continuing Education.
The Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE) is the only national membership organization focused exclusively on Employment First to facilitate the full inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace and community.

APSE's Rocky Mountain Region includes state chapters in North Dakota, Nebraska, Utah, Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana