Registration Open:

Delta Adapts Draft Adaptation Plan Workshop

The Delta Stewardship Council is hosting a hybrid Delta Adapts Draft Adaptation Plan Workshop from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM during the March 1, 2024, Council Meeting at the Jean Harvie Community Center (14273 River Road, Walnut Grove, CA, 95690) to discuss climate adaptation strategies for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Suisun Marsh, including high-priority actions, responsible entities for implementation, and how to finance adaptation. Ideas generated during the workshop will be considered along with other comments on the Draft Adaptation Plan – which will be released in 2024 for a 60-day public comment period – in the preparation of the final Adaptation Plan.

Registration is not needed to participate in the workshop, but please consider registering to attend in person to help with planning.

Scroll down to read about the event’s format below.


Ways to participate:

This public event will be held in a town hall format that allows participants to discuss adaptation strategies. Those working on climate adaptation in the region and interested members of the public are encouraged to attend.

The workshop will be a hybrid event with in-person and remote participation options.

For instructions on how to participate virtually, refer to the March Council Meeting Notice, which will be posted on the Council’s website 10 days before the event.

The need for climate adaptation in the Delta:

The Delta continues to feel the pressures of climate change – including rising sea levels, changes in precipitation patterns, and warming temperatures. To address these climate threats, regional adaptation rooted in science-based decision-making is essential to protect the region’s people, ecosystems, and economy, as well as the Council’s mission of achieving the coequal goals set forth in the Delta Reform Act. 

About Delta Adapts:

The Council embarked on its climate initiative, Delta Adapts, in 2018. Delta Adapts consists of two parts: (1) a climate change Vulnerability Assessment for the Delta and Suisun Marsh and (2) an Adaptation Plan that details strategies and actions in response to the identified vulnerabilities.

The Adaptation Plan will provide a framework for building regional climate resiliency and collaboration across federal, state, local, and regional levels. 

Delta Stewardship Council

715 P Street, 15-300

Sacramento, CA 95814

Business Hours:

8:00 AM-

5:00 PM


(916) 445-5511

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