Time To Register 
  Avianna Castro Event 
Flight School Camp 
Ayruveda Spring Cleanse
Teacher Feature

Hello Good Vibe Tribe,

"Life's challenges are not supposed to paralyze you. They're supposed to help you discover who you are." Bernice Reagan 
Did you know that Spring is just 5 weeks away? I'm not kidding...it's March 20th. Oh how I long for the extended days of light and warmer weather.  Every year when winter arrives I think to myself, how will I endure this dark, cold time until Spring? And sure enough, every year I somehow manage to make it through.  I know this is a silly example but you know what I am talking about , right?  This happens on a grander scale in our lives as well.  How will I make it through this divorce, this health challenge , this loss of a job. As long as we are alive we will continue to come up against unexpected changes and challenges.  The tools of yoga and meditation teach us how to build inner resolve so we are more equipped to handle the hardships of life. We are reminded that in these sometimes dark and challenging places we grow the most. The important, but not always easy, part is to acknowledge the growth or lessons along the way.

We have some exciting workshops and opportunities for growth coming up at Fusion.
*Avianna Castro - The Midwest Medium will be back in May.  She packed the house last year and people are still talking about her positive messages.
*Stephanie Kubik will be offering her Spring cleanse again in April.  If you missed this opportunity last year to learn more about Ayurveda and a healthier lifestyle you have another chance.
*Also, check out our exciting Flight School Camp coming up in September. We know that is a ways off but we are already half full.    
As always, thank you all for your loyal support and for being a part of our wonderful yoga community. We want to continue to be an oasis where you can come each week to build up your resilience.
Peace & Grace,

Registration for next session-

Our next session is Feb 27 - April 22    
 8 weeks for $104
8 weeks for $80 (Express class)

Registration will begin February 13 for current students and
February 20 for new students.

Avianna Castro- The Midwest Medium
May 18-21, 2017 at Fusion Studio

A well renowned intuitive, Avianna is considered one of the pioneers of the mediumship movement througho ut the world, and has been recognized as one of the most  accurate spiritual mediums by her clients. 

Her messages have brought solace, peace and spiritual insights, changing people's view of life, passion and purpose. Avianna was born with a gift to see beyond the veil and shares her insights through her readings and writings. 

Her passion is educating souls on remembering who they really are, envisioning a life filled with dreams that can now become a reality.  Empowering and inspiring people to live awake and authentic, to create a reality that is spiritual,  deliberate and meaningful.  With her personal experiences and transformations she can help guide others in their individual awakening.

Weekend Schedule:

Thur, May 18- Private Readings with Avianna
Please wait for an email to give you specific directions. Sign up will most likely be in Mid- March.
Friday, May 19, 
Connecting to Your Intuition- $50
Intuition is an incredible source of infinite wisdom that everyone has access to.  Often times we are 
to busy or simply don't acknowledge the inner voice that is an amazing compass to daily life.  Avianna will share insights and tools to awaken and trust the intuition that resides in all of us.

Saturday, May 20,
Shift Your Words, Shift Your Life - $50
Join Avianna as she shares with you the importance of words and how they can impact what you bring forth.  She will then guide you into an ancient manifesting exercise that you will not want to miss.  Everything is energy.  Words and thoughts carry energy, a vibrational frequency that aligns with the Universe.  We are able to manifest unpleasant experiences just as easily as pleasant ones, all we need to do is become more aware of our thoughts.  With a heightened awareness of recognizing our own patterns, it can positively impact your career, health, abundance and relationships.  Just a little shift can change everything.   

Saturday, May 20,  
2:00- 4:30pm 
Healing Meditation lead by Avianna, Restorative Yoga with Marsha Nieland and Singing Bowls with Maria Dummermuth-$50
Avianna, Marsha & Maria will join forces to guide your mind, body and soul to a place of deep healing and restoration.  No experience in meditation or yoga is needed.

To register, please call 364-8085 or email at [email protected], We will put your name on the list but it is not confirmed until we receive payment.

Flight School Camp 
Sept 19-23, 2017 
4 days of soulful fun for women!!  

Imagine stepping out of your day-to-day life and dropping yourself into a gorgeous,137 acre, natural playground for 4 days of laughing and learning, moving your body, calming your brain and reconnecting with people who see the world the way that you do and accept you completely as you are.
This is what we have created with Flight School Camp, in the pinewood trees overlooking a beautiful lake in Wisconsin.

If that sounds like what your soul is longing for, please consider joining us at Flight School Camp.  

Retreat Details

September 19-23, 2017     
This retreat would be a great chance to reconnect with yourself, if you attend alone, but would also be fun to share with someone special - a friend, your mom or grandmother, or your daughter or sister. The cost of the retreat includes 4 nights, 3 meals each day and delicious snacks, daily yoga, art supplies, the beautiful Soul Restoration manual, and a few other surprises!!   
Single room /board - $1887
Double room--/board -$1647

A non-refundable deposit of $500 is 
needed to save your spot and payment 
plan is available.  

For more information,  Visit our website. 

To register, please email [email protected] 

Ayurveda 101 & Spring Cleanse

Would you like to know some basic nutritional and lifestyle tips on how to live a healthier life and maybe even lose some unwanted pounds? Ayurveda is the sister science to yoga and a way to live a more balanced and he althy life.
Wednesday, April 12 Stephanie Neighbor Kubik will be hosting an Ayurveda 101 workshop from  6-8 pm . She will talk specifically about each dosha (b ody type) and what diet & lifestyle changes you can make to feel more balanced. The cost for the 2 hour class is $49 and will be held at Fusion, Studio B.
The following week, Stephanie will lead a 3-week Spring cleanse  to reset and purify the digestive system. Cleansing is natural in spring - we often feel a deep urge to rid ourselves of old unwanted items and create a new space. Ayurveda understands this deeply-seated tendency as something very significant: a powerful natural movement within; a physiological trend to clean out.
There are two options for the cleanse:  Monday evening from 6-7:30 PM or Wednesday 1-2 PM
If you register for Ayurveda 101 plus the cleanse, the cost is $130.
Separately, the three week cleanse is $99.

To register or for more information, contact Stephanie at [email protected]

A little b it  from Stephanie:  I've been a health & wellness nut as long as I can remember.  I've always lo ved to move in some form and on any given day, you may see me walking the streets of Cedar Rapids - very far from where you think I should be! I have a nerdy hobby of reading everything I can on holistic nutrition, healthy recipes an d Ayur veda.  I completed my 200 hour Ayurveda training at Kripalu Yoga Institute in 2015 as well as my 200 hour yoga teacher training.  I love teaching yoga and sharing my knowledge of Ayurveda.  It's a 5000 year old science & just makes sense - I think it's very intuitive & I'm sure you'll feel the same!

Calling all early birds!

Do you prefer an early morning yoga practice? Are you're interested in an early morning spring and/or summer yoga class?  If so, would you prefer 6-7 AM or 6:30-7:30 AM.  

We're looking ahead to spring & summer classes and want to know what YOU want. Please send an email to [email protected] if you would be interested in signing up for an early morning session. 

Teacher Feature

Tracy McPartland offers our "Yoga Hour" Class on Tuesday's at 4:15 pm

10 things you may not know about me:

1) I have my Master's degree in Speech-Language Pathology and worked for 30 years in that field.
2) I'm currently the Development Director at the Eastern Arts Academy.
3) I must meditate and floss my teeth everyday!
4) I love the arts and trying all sorts of visual arts.  I've also been singing with the Chorale Midwest for 20 years!
5) I always carry lip balm and kleenex in my purse.
6) My favorite yoga pose is Half Moon.
7) I have been married to my Junior High sweetheart for 35 years & we have 2 children:  Patrick, 29 (and his wife Cara) and Molly, 27.
8) My family says my best quality is that I'm extremely calm under pressure.
9) My favorite food is ALL vegetables .
10) I've had many really unusual bird encounters, including being swooped by an owl with about a 6 foot wing span on two different occasions!

What is your "Why"?

Why do you do yoga?
        Why do you do yoga at Fusion?        


                                                   Check out our cool video!!

Are you interested in sharing your "why"?  If so, please email Stephanie at [email protected]
Fusion offers a unique blend of holistic services for the unique person who values the mind/body/spiritual components of yoga.