Information for ministers, educators, church administrators, clerks, and congregations | |
Thank You, Faithful Servants | |
Presbytery of the James is grateful to the volunteers who serve on our committees, teams, and ministries. Your willingness to give your time and share your talents and skills enables the presbytery to support leaders, congregations, and ministries in growing followers of Jesus Christ who joyfully live out God’s mission in the world. We especially thank the following who completed terms of service at the end of 2023. | |
Registration Closing Soon for Vitality and Evangelism Workshop | |
How do we tell the Good News to a weary world? How do we re-energize the hearts and minds of our congregations so that they can respond to the love of God in extraordinary ways in this time of conflict and division? What is God calling our congregations to do and to be in this new environment, in this new world? Explore what it means to have vitality as a church. Learn what you can do today to continue to bring in the Kingdom of God.
Presbytery of the James brings you this event February 3, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at First United Church in Richmond. We recommend two people from each congregation attend. Register now to reserve your space and learn valuable info for your congregation and community.
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Update on COM Committees and Deadline | Commission on Ministry (COM) committees meet on the first Thursday of each month. This is a change. Therefore the deadline for all paperwork for COM has moved to the last Thursday of the month. For committee meetings on February 1, please submit paperwork by January 25. Send reports, requests, other paperwork, or questions to com@presbyteryofthejames.org. | |
Youth Ministry Workers and Volunteers Invited to Networking Meeting | Massanetta Springs and Camp Hanover invite people doing or interested in youth ministry–clergy, lay leaders, volunteers, and paid staff–to lunch on February 8. Join at the presbytery office at noon to foster community with other youth ministry folks. Share what your congregation is doing and learn how your camp and conference centers can support your ministry. | |
Resources to Celebrate Camp Sunday | We are blessed as Presbyterians to have a diversity of camp and retreat center sites and programs. Camp Hanover is within our presbytery boundary and Massanetta Springs is nearby with a POJ minister serving in validated ministry. Celebrate their ministries and help your congregation and community learn more about these resources on February 11, Camp and Retreat Sunday. Check out these PC(USA) worship materials for inspiration. | |
Host a Video Study with Your Church This Year | Presbyterian Disaster Assistance recommends Counter Stories Productions’ award-winning documentary resources. These are available to congregations and communities to organize screenings and host conversations about important and timely issues. Videos are available on topics such as incarceration, racism, and water and air quality. | |
Read Streams of Grace, a prayer written by Walter Canter, pastor of Blue Ridge Presbyterian Church.
We invite you to use this in your personal devotions or during a meeting of your church, committee, or team.
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117th Meeting
June 18
Invitation needed
Call to Order: 9:30 a.m.
Overture deadline: April 23, noon
Packet online: June 4
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Church & Community Events | |
NEXT Church Winter Workshops
January 11-February 8
| |
Youth Group @ Pace
January 28
Pace Center, VCU
| |
Mental Health First Aid for Youth
January 30 & February 1
Camp Hanover
| |
Confirmation Retreat
February 2-4
Massanetta Springs
| |
Youth Ministry Lunch
February 8, noon
Presbytery office
| |
Intergenerational Ministry Intro
January 8, 2 p.m.
Gen On, Zoom
| |
Camp and Retreat Sunday
February 11
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Planning Calendar Photo Deadline
February 14
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Ringing at the Springs
February 18-20
Massanetta Springs
| |
St. Paul's Lenten Speaker Series
February 21-March 20
St. Paul's Episcopal Church (Richmond)
| |
Civil Rights Travel Seminar Deadline
February 23
Presbyterian Peacemaking Program
| |
Confirmation Retreat
February 23-25
Camp Hanover
| |
The Gift of Small Conference
February 29-March 4
St. Simons Island, Georgia
| |
LGBTQIA+ Youth Ministry Course
March 5-26
APCE, via Zoom
| |
PW Book Discussion
March 11
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Mr Rogers Day Resources
March 20
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NEXT Church National Gathering
April 8-11
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Legacies of the Holocaust Seminar
April 9-11
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Clergy Couple Retreat
July 29-August 1
Massanetta Springs
| |
Scotland Trip
September 13-23
With Three Chopt Church
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Learn about church employment opportunities or submit an opportunity to POJ's calls and jobs board. | |
- Interim senior pastor/head of staff, River Road Church (Richmond)
- Part time installed minister, Waddell Memorial Church (Rapidan)
- Installed minister, Amelia Church (Amelia)
- Organist, Ashland Church (Ashland)
- Co-finance and operations manager, Salisbury Church (Midlothian)
- Business manager, Culpeper Church (Culpeper)
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Calls and Jobs in Nearby Presbyteries
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The Current is published weekly. Submit an announcement for an upcoming issue by emailing editor Kelley Hope. Submissions due Thursday at 5 p.m. for the following week. Send text (including a link to your website/Facebook page) in the body of your email or in a Word document. Attach photos to your email if desired. Please do not send graphics or flyers. | Office Telephone | (804) 262-2074 | | | | |