Registration Now Open

The New York State Coalition for Children's Behavioral Health is pleased to announce that Registration is Now Open for the 2022 Annual Policy Forum taking place at October 20, 2022 in-person at The Gideon Putnam in Saratoga Springs, NY.

The forum will include a Keynote presentation and discussion with Jody Levison-Johnson on What Do We Know and Where Do We Go? The Future of Children's Behavioral Health which includes the integration of children's services and developing a seamless continuum of care. Jody will share her vision on a comprehensive children's system that focuses on family. 

Additional topics will include:

  • Cross-Systems, Integrated Services for Children’s Behavioral Health
  • Addressing Behavioral Health Inequities for New York’s Children and Families
  • School Based Mental Health Initiatives and Opportunities

The agenda for the event will be shared soon. Register Today!

About Our Keynote: Jody Levison-Johnson, PhD, LCSW

Jody Levison-Johnson is a licensed clinical social worker with nearly 30 years of experience in the field of human services. She currently serves as the President and CEO of Social Current, the organization resulting from the merger of the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities and the Council on Accreditation. Social Current advances the work of the social sector through collaboration, innovation, policy, and practice excellence bringing together human/social service organizations and partners to leverage their collective experience and research to drive continuous evolution and improvement.

Jody is a longstanding champion for systems change that results in the ability for individuals and communities to thrive. Over several decades, her career has crossed a variety of settings including private providers and state and local governments. Much of her work has focused on cross-sector alignment to benefit children, youth, and families. Jody’s experience leading system reform efforts across the country have prompted her interest in the environmental contexts that surround leadership of deep change in social and public systems. Jody holds a Master of Social Work degree from Syracuse University and a Master of Arts and PhD in Leadership and Change from Antioch University.

Registration Information

CBHNY Members: $150.00/person

Non-Members: $225.00

State/Local Government Agencies ONLY: $35.00


Hotel Information:

The Gideon Putnam, 24 Gideon Putnam Rd, Saratoga Springs, NY

Group Rate: $124.00 | Group Rate Available for October 19

To reserve: Call 866-746-1077 and refer to group code: XXXXXX