GCLC Civil Collaborative Law Training

Friday, August 11 and Saturday, August 12, 2023

(with brief basic training on Thursday, August 10)



August 11 and 12, 2023

Seattle University College of Law

Seattle, Washington

August 10 Basic Training Workshop


Join your civil collaborative law colleagues and make new friends when the leadership, members and friends of the only organization dedicated to the advancement of Civil Collaborative Law -- the Global Collaborative Law Council -- gathers for our Advanced Civil Collaborative Law Training and Conference this August. We will spend two days in Seattle, Washington, hosted at Seattle University of College of Law. An esteemed faculty of civil collaborative law pioneers from across the globe will be on hand to help you develop your collaborative skills and learn effective ways to market your advocacy. 

While the meeting will be in person, we will offer a virtual component for those who cannot travel. 

Registration Rates:

Early Bird Rate (before June 23):

$325 GCLC members

 $400 non-members (includes 1-year membership in GCLC)

 students rate available

After June 23:

 $400 GCLC members

 $475 non-members (includes 1-year membership in GCLC)

 students rate available

We will begin this conference on Thursday afternoon with short refresher instruction on collaborative practice, as well as role play opportunities. The following two day advanced training focuses on using civil collaborative skills in resolving family business conflicts.

We also plan to share social time and have lots of fun when we are not in class. August in Seattle is a wonderful! CLE in Washington will be applied for, including ethics credit.

You don't want to miss this opportunity! We hope to be with you in Seattle or virtually. Make your hotel reservations at our special rate below:

Hotel information below:

 Reservation link is HERE


Thursday, August 10

1:30 pm - 4:00 pm

Basics of civil collaborative law with case study and role play, led by the experienced trainers of North Carolina Civil Collaborative Law Association, including Danae Woodward, John Sarratt, Jeffery Batts, and John Ong.

Friday, August 11

8:00 am                    Continental breakfast

8:30 am                    Welcome (Kristen Blankley, President GCLC)

8:45-9:45 am            Paul Faxon

Deconstructing Conflict: Understanding and Managing Conflict in the Unique Ecosystem of Family Enterprises

Conflict is “baked into the cake” in family owned and operated business enterprises where stakeholders occupy multiple and over-lapping roles. This presentation will explore this ecosystem so practitioners can apply the Collaborative Law Process informed by an understanding of the underlying sources of conflict in family enterprises.

9:45-10:45 am               Marc Sheridan

Using Collaborative Law Skills to Resolve A Family Business Conflict

In this workshop you will learn how to apply your introductory Collaborative Law training to the unique strengths and challenges of a family business using an interdisciplinary team approach.


11:00 am -12:00 pm         Doug Box 

Texas Patriarch, A Legacy Lost

Doug Box shares a very personal story of losing his family's business empire and explains how Collaborative Law could have made a big difference. You can get a copy of Doug's book here:



1:00 -2:30 pm     Panel on use of neutrals in civil conflict resolution (Teresa Parnell; Craig Lichtman, Mary Ann Nelson; Cheryl Hubbell; David Consigli)

Dr. Craig Lichtman leads a distinguished panel of professionals in a consideration of the use of neutrals in resolution of family business conflicts using civil collaborative process.


2:45-3:45 pm                Jamie Clausen

Opportunities and Challenges of Collaborative Law for Probate, Trust and Guardianship Dispute Resolution

Ms. Clausen presents examples of successful use of civil collaborative in the resolution of such cases in Washington State. 


3:45-4:45 pm                John Ong

Lessons Learned- Insights from a Family Business Collaborative Case

A dive into the insights generated by the challenges and successes experienced in a Family Business Collaborative Case. This informative session will focus on practical guidance and tangible takeaways. Some of the topics will include:

Exploring the manner in which the case originated
Assembling the Collaborative Team 
Evaluating the use of a Facilitator 
Utilizing neutral experts and understanding their value
Struggling over the balance of efficiency and trusting the Collaborative Law Process
Changing gears in resolution tactics including a better understanding of mediation, collaborative law and styles of communication

4:45 pm                    Wrap up and dismiss


6:30 pm                    Evening social opportunities, including dine arounds

Saturday, August 12

8:00 am                    Continental breakfast

8:30 am                    Announcements

8:35 -9:35 am          Glenn Meier and Kristen Blankley

How to Plan a Collaborative Meeting (That Doesn’t Make People Want to Stick Something Sharp in Their Eye)

Learn tips from the discipline of facilitation on how to add multiple participation formants to encourage dialog and creativity across different types of learning styles. Integrate different participation formats into an agenda can move conversations along and avoid impasse.

9:35-10:35 am         Anita Dorczak

Making Sense of Silence in Collaborative Communication

Collaboration is based on communication. One cannot not communicate. Even if we are silent while negotiating in team meetings with our clients, meaning is created from our behavior. This presentation will delve into the essence of silence from social, cultural, and linguistic perspectives. Through exercises, quizzes, and video clips, Dr. Anita invites you to discover the meanings of silence in collaboration well beyond the “silent treatment”.


10:50-11:50 am         Melanie Merkle Atha leads a panel chat about how to build a collaborative practice (All faculty will participate, and our attendees who have tips are invited to share!)


1:00-1:30pm            Ana Luiza Panyagua Etchalus 

Relational Work Contracts and Their Effects on Conflict Resolution

The employment contract is essentially relational and has a strong psychological component in its structure. Identifying needs, expectations, promises and assumed obligations such as loyalty and trust and translating these into writing into the contract is part of the work I will be dealing with.


1:35 -2:35 pm          Anne Markham Bailey

Ways to Access your Creative Conflict Solving Power

Author of The Practice of Being, Anne Bailey helps us learn to resolve conflict with creativity and joy. Think less! Notice more! Unlock the creativity you did not know you had!


3:00-4:00 pm                Joryn Jenkins

Tribalism in the Collaborative Marketplace


A seller markets effectively by establishing connection with the buyer such that the buyer is attracted to the seller’s services. Once the connection is sufficiently strong, the buyer purchases the services. How is tribalism impacting our ability to connect with prospective clients and, in the grander scheme, to establish collaborative dispute resolution as a common worldwide practice? If negatively, what can we do about it?


4:00-4:30 pm               Wrap up and parking lot, photos, evaluations


Chihuly glass is a must see

when in Seattle

Seattle U is celebrating fifty years this year and welcomes us to their campus

The Space Needle offers panoramas of Puget Sound, Seattle and Mount Rainier

The view of glorious Mount Rainier




       Promote the use of the collaborative process for resolving civil disputes.

        Train lawyers and other professionals in the use of the process.

        Educate the public as to the benefits of the process.

        Preserve the integrity of the collaborative dispute resolution process.   


                     IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO US ! ! !


Follow us on Facebook, Twitter (@law_collab) and LinkedIn for current content on civil collaborative law happenings around the globe! Share, like and retweet! Spread the word!
If you know of any civil collaborative training events,
or other event that would enhance a civil collaborative practice,
let us know. We are trying to keep our
webpage and calendar current so we will be the
best place to find information on civil collaborative trainings.

Global Collaborative Law Council | | melatha65@gmail.com |