Regulation Digest
February 10, 2021
Vol. 10, No. 5
Editor: Bryce Chinault
GW Regulatory Studies Center
Brookings Institution
C. Boyden Gray Center
Cato Institute
Federalist Society
Free State Fdn.
Heritage Foundation
Hoover Institution
Inst. for Policy Integrity
Manhattan Institute
Mercatus Center
R Street Institute
The Regulatory Review
Yale Journal on Reg.
American Action Forum
Bipartisan Policy Center
Agency Rulemaking Highlights
COVID-19 Related Actions
Agency Actions
The Dept. of Homeland Security re-opened the comment period on a notice of proposed rulemaking "concerning collection of facial images and other biometrics from aliens entering and departing the US." Comments now due March 12.
The Dept. of Homeland Security delayed the effective date of a final rule that prioritizes H-1B visa registrants by occupational classifications due to logistical concerns. The rule will now be effective December 31, and comments can be submitted until March 10.
The Wage & Hour Division proposed a delay of the effective date for a final rule until May 7 that modified definitions of independent contractors following President Biden's "Regulatory Freeze Pending Review" memo. The current effective date is March 8, and comments can be submitted until February 24.
The Wage & Hour Division also proposed a delay of the effective date for a final rule until April 30 regarding the pay of employees who receive tips. The current effective date is March 1, and comments can be submitted until February 17.
Presidential Action
President Biden issued a memorandum that requires the Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy to ensure scientific integrity in policy development, create a corresponding task force, and assign a senior official to be a "Chief Science Officer" at federal agencies.
Congress & Regulatory Reform
Financial Markets & Housing
Energy & Environment
Health & Safety
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