Latest Updates about REACH & CLP | |
ECHA webinar on downstream user reports on 31 May
ECHA will give a free webinar teaching downstream users how to complete a downstream user report using IUCLID 5. This webinar shall be helpful for many importers or formulators.
Downstream users may need to report their uses if these are not covered by the exposure scenarios provided by their suppliers. It is strongly recommended that downstream users check if their uses have been included in the registration dossier of their suppliers.
To register this webinar or for more info, please click here. |
Other Chemical Control Laws | |
CIRS is launching free Chinese chemical inventory search service
CIRS is launching a free service to help companies search whether their chemicals are listed in the latest Chinese chemical inventories. CIRS also offers free initial consultations on how to comply with corresponding chemical regulations in China.
CIRS can help you search the following chemical inventories:
- The Inventory of Existing Chemical Substances Produced or Imported in China (IECSC 2010).
- The Catalog of Hazardous Chemicals (2002);
- The List of Toxic Chemicals Severely Restricted to Be Imported/Exported from China (2011);
- The Catalog of Highly Toxic Chemicals;
- Inventory of Existing Cosmetic Ingredients in China (IECIC);
- Prohibited Chemicals (2005);
- The Catalog of National Industrial Products;
Please note that the number of chemicals for free search is limited to 5 only. For more information about the 7 chemical inventories in China and how to avail of our free service, please click here.
Webinar recordings about the regulations on safe management of chemicals (2011) and China GHS available on Youtube
A very concise and informative webinar about chemical control laws in China, the regulations on safe management of chemicals and China GHS, given by Mr Yunbo Shi, the Managing Director of Chemical Inspection and Regulation Service(CIRS). This was recorded on 10 May 2011.
The recording can be found here.