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Regulatory Reinstatement
Pursuant to Act 73 of 2021 (HB 1861), the suspension of various regulatory provisions under the state disaster emergency declaration that were set to expire on September 30, 2021, were extended until further notice, this included onsite licensing inspection for those DHS Offices which conduct onsite licensing

Effective October, 18, 2021, the following regulatory statutes and regulations are reinstated: 62 P.S. § 911(a)(2) - Visitation and Inspection; 62 P.S. § 1016 - Right to Enter and Inspect; 55 Pa. Code § 20.31 - Annual Inspection.
This means that licensed child care center, group child care, and family child care homes should expect onsite inspections, renewals and complaint investigations to continue.
The Pennsylvania Office of Child Development and Early Learning supports families 
and their children, from prenatal through school age, by using data, research and 
stakeholder guidance to assure high quality services.