NH Friendship Chorus Updates

If you have any questions or concerns about our tour to Iceland, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@nhfriendshipchorus.org

Keeping each other

Masks Required at Rehearsals*

Right now, there are increased numbers of Covid infections in New Hampshire. To protect yourself and others in the chorus, we ask that everyone continue to please wear masks at rehearsals. If you have tested positive for Covid, asymptomatic or not, please do not come to rehearsal. Let us know via email if that is why you are missing rehearsal.

Please consider the following:

Boosters: Everyone has submitted proof of vaccination, however boosters add significant protection against serious infection. Please be sure you have at least one booster, and for those eligible, a second booster is recommended.

Masks & Tests: Please be sure to bring extra masks and covid test kits with you to use if/when you exhibit symptoms or have been exposed to someone with Covid. Please feel free to use masks if you are immunocompromised or feel more comfortable wearing one.

Pre-flight self tests: We may ask that each traveler self-test before traveling to be sure we are not bringing Covid with us.

*We are as ever hopeful that the Covid infection rate in NH will drop and that we can consider optional masking at a later date.


Rehearsal Dates Reminder

The June 4th rehearsal is at the Plymouth Congregational church--all other rehearsals will take place at Concord Community Music School10:00 am-12:00 pm.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Saturday, June 4, 2022 - (Plymouth Congregational Church)--Iceland Info session for all tour members, including non-singers. Rick & Wanda will be there to answer your questions.

Saturday, June 11. 2022

Saturday, June 25, 2022


Recommended Area Rehearsals

7:00 pm-8:30 pm

Thurs. May 12 --Manchester Community Music School , 2291 Elm Street, Manchester NH

 (Dan will run the rehearsal.) 

Thurs. May 26 -- Unitarian Universalist Church in Manchester--669 Union Street, Manchester NH

 (Nate Wotton will run the rehearsal.)

Wed. June 8 - Plymouth Congregational Church - Plymouth, NH - 4 Post Office Square, Plymouth NH

(Nate Wotton will run the rehearsal.) 

Area Rehearsals allow singers to resolve difficult  parts of the music for notes, rhythm, harmonies. Like an "all-sections sectional"-- these extra rehearsals are important, and you are urged to attend at least 2 if possible.

Please watch your email for any changes in dates or venues!


Travel Covid Rules

1st the Good News: Iceland does NOT require testing to enter. There are currently very few cases in Iceland at all, so travel there should be very safe, provided we don't bring it with us!

2nd the Not-So-Good News: The USA, currently, does require a PCR test before boarding a plane home.

Although we hope this requirement will end before July, Plymouth Travel is working with our Iceland agents to arrange for testing prior to the group return flights. The $50/person test fee will be covered out of the tour funds, and will not result in additional fees for tour members.

3rd the Bad News: In the event of a positive test result, individuals will be required to quarantine for 5 days and test negative prior to being allowed to board a return flight to the US. Icelandair and our Icelandic tour company will assist in helping you make arrangements, but the costs involved will be the responsibility of the individual traveler. We urge everyone to purchase travel insurance with coverage for this situation.


Icelandic Fiction:

One of Iceland's most well-known authors is 1955 Noble Prize Literature recipient Halldor Laxness. He has been called "the undisputed master of contemporary Icelandic fiction." The book that won him the award is Independent People, a quintessential Icelandic modern tale that is informed by traditional Icelandic sagas.

Icelandic Beer:

Read about Iceland's

Northernmost Brewery:


Icelandic Music from Viking Rhymes to Bjork and Kaleo

Learn More.

If you have come across any interesting Icelandic info you'd like to share, please feel free to send it to me.
