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Are you a Reiki Master who is looking to deepen your
Holy Fire Reiki
experience with the Reiki energy? 

Karuna® Reiki Master training may be what you are looking for!  I experience the Karuna® energy as an amazing healing energy that fulfills the meaning of its name, "compassionate action." The 8 new symbols, plus the Holy Fire II energy allow for rapid shifts in sessions with clients and give me access to highly developed healing energy frequencies.

The Holy Fire II empowerment of 2016 has shifted the Reiki energy vibration to one that is producing wonderful healing for students in class as they are learning!!

Join me for a 2016 Holy Fire II Reiki Class
Holy Fire II is the latest upgrade to the Reiki energy. Reiki is spiritually guided life force energy. I will be teaching with the new Holy Fire II upgrade in all my Reiki classes this year! 
Holy Fire II Karuna® I, II & Reiki Master classes:

Oct. 14-16 in Vancouver, BC                         Oct. 28-30 in Bend, OR

Feb 24-26 in Bend, OR                                 June 22-24,in West Fargo, ND 

The pre-requisite for the Karuna® Master class is practicing for 6 - 12 months or more as a Reiki Master (or IIIb for the Reiki Alliance lineage)

Holy Fire II Reiki

All 3 days of the Karuna® Reiki must be taken together to receive the 21 continuing education credits for nurses, social workers and marriage & family therapists. The class is also NCBTMB approved for 22 credits for LMTs & body workers. In Karuna I you receive 4 new healing symbol energy to work with, another 4 in Karuna II and the Holy Fire II energy in Karuna Master. See the blue link above for more information!


I  am a Senior Professional Licensed Reiki Master teacher with the International Center for Reiki Training and love teaching Reiki.  I also am a Reiki Master in the Sekhem / Seichim Reiki tradition.  I have been teaching Reiki since 2001.  I am also a labyrinth facilitator & certified aromatherapist, in addition to being a clinical pharmacist for over 30 years.

I am also teaching other Reiki classes:
Advanced Reiki Training / Usui Holy Fire II Reiki Master classes:

Jan 20-22 in Bend, OR                                       May 18-20 in Spokane, WA
June 15-17 in Bismarck, ND                               July 21-23 in Bend, OR
        See the class outline and register at:
Usui Holy Fire II Reiki I & II classes:
Nov 18 & 19 in Bend, OR                                       Dec 2 & 3 in Bend, OR
Jan 17 & 18 in Bend, OR                                       Feb 9 & 10 in Bend, OR
Mar 9 & 10 in Bend, OR                                         Apr 8 & 9 in Bend, OR
May 15 & 16 in Spokane, WA.                         
June 12 & 13 in Bismarck, ND

Find more information about class and to register see:

Thank you for your interest in healing and Reiki - I am looking forward to working with you on your healing journey.  Please contact me with any questions you may have!

Blessings for your healing journey, 
Dr. Robin Fuerst
health and peace start within...
~ Senior lCRT Licensed Reiki Master Teacher (Usui Holy Fire ART/Master and Holy Fire Karuna)  
~ ICRT Mentor Teacher
~ Veriditas Certified Labyrinth Facilitator
~ Ordained Minister of Light
~ Certified Aromatherapist
                          ~ Doctor of Clinical Pharmacy, FASHP

Healing Journey Options

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