What price do you put on a senior dogs life?
While those of us who have loved and lost a senior know their lives are priceless, I’m asking for $100. $100 for us to reimagine the Little Red Barn and turn it back into a safe haven for old souls.
Imagine a place where old dogs, sick dogs, abused dogs, abandoned dogs and unwanted dogs all came together, to rest, to live, to play and snuggle. Where meals come morning and night, classical music is always playing and love overflows. The only choice they have to make is which couch or dog bed to lay on and which visitor to pick to smother with kisses. Just a place for dogs to be. To wait in the comforts of a home until they can find a family of their own who won't throw them away when they are old or sick or even dying. To know they are loved for who they are, at this moment and then to love us in return regardless of their past. To be the model of forgiveness and in return teach us to be better, kinder humans and to always know that even if in a small way we can always make a difference. This is the place we strive to be. This is our mission. This is our little red barn. A home for so many souls others discarded and we can't imagine living without.
Would you give a $100 to provide direct shelter to save senior dogs' life?
This is our roots. This is how we started, and the only way we can get back to saving the oldies and giving the most broken, neglect souls a true sanctuary is to have a place to help our young animals.
Due to the ever-increasing demand of homeless animals of all ages, our senior sanctuary has turn into a full-blown rescue and we are in desperate need of space. We have never put a restriction on age, because how can you say a 6-year-old dog doesn’t deserve a second chance because we will only save dogs 8 years or older. This is how our senior sanctuary evolved. While it’s filled with love, we need a different space that better serves the young dogs so we can preserve the sanctuary for our precious oldies.
We found a property in Kansas City, Missouri that is a perfect place for our younger animals to live until we find them a home. This would allow the Little Red Barn to be the sanctuary and community that it once was.