Word, 2019: What's Yours?
Greetings, everyone! Hope your Christmas Day joy carries into the new year. In my family, we select a word each year. Mine for 2019 is truth. I'm not always good about having the courage and compassion to speak truth when and how I should. I'm hoping that a focus on His Truth this year will strengthen my spiritual armor and improve my discernment.

What's your word for 2019? Send me an email with WORD as the subject line. Then in the body, tell me your word--and identify a spiritual resource valued at up to $25 that would help you on your journey with that word. Your resource can be a book, CD, DVD, jewelry, course, or anything else. (If the resource costs more than $25, I'll give you a credit toward the total sum.) Entries are due by 11:59 p.m. ET on January 7, and the winner, randomly selected from among subscribers, will be announced in the next newsletter.
Friends in Faith: Lisa Julia Hill-Sutton
In the 18 months or so I’ve known her, I don’t think I’ve ever seen Lisa Julia Hill-Sutton as anything less than serene. Maybe it’s due to her strong faith that has weathered some storms, including the loss of a husband and a son many years ago and, more recently, the loss of two beloved dogs. That serenity also shows in the sensitive, beautiful photos she takes for families, conferences, and commercial and editorial clients. Lisa Julia draws strength from her calling as a lay Dominican (she's the one in the cool skirt; this is when she made her lay Dominican final promises), evangelizing through her photography and her vocation as a wife to Joe and a mother to their daughter. 

Lisa Julia shows me it’s possible to have a rock-solid faith amid grief… and to find the Lord in the genius of some of our shared baby-boomer rock band favorites (we’re both #teamlindseybuckingham).
St. Fanchea: Family Evangelization
My fascination (I don't think it's quite reached obsession... yet...) with women saints who have canonized or beatified family members is continuing. Later this month, I'll be writing about Fanchea, a sixth-century Irish saint and woman religious. All her sisters also are regarded as saints (including one who ended up marrying the guy who was supposed to marry Fanchea).

The thing I find particularly inspirational is her evangelization to her brother, Enda. When their wealthy father died, Enda became a chieftain. It wasn't that he wasn't religious, but it seems he mainly went through the motions. A turning point came when the woman he wanted to marry, who lived in Fanchea's convent, was given the choice of marrying him or serving the Lord. She chose the latter and died shortly thereafter, giving Enda a lot to think about when he came to claim her. Shaken, he became a monk himself, and established Ireland's earliest monastery. The story reminds me of the importance of sharing our faith with our non-practicing/non-Christan family members and friends. We never know what's going to touch them.

I'll be writing a bit more about Fanchea in my Wednesday's Woman feature (short profiles of beatified and canonized women).
On the Nightstand: Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World
Well, seriously, how do you not admire the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu, both Nobel Peace Prize laureates? I'm grateful to my friend Blythe Gifford for giving me this book for Christmas; I've been meaning to read it for two years. In this time when it seems everything is changing, it's a reality check to consider these two men experienced decades of oppression in one form or another. Yet their faith fills them with joy, and joy leads to positive change. I'm struck by this quote from Tutu on the back cover: "We grow in kindness when our kindness is tested." That's a terrific reminder that we're called to love all, not just those who love us.
Congrats to the Advent Wood Block Winners... and Looking Ahead
The great Advent wood block giveaway was even more popular last month than a year ago. Congratulations to the winners, Butch F. of Orlando, FL, and Kelly D. of Elmhurst Township, PA... and welcome to all the folks who are receiving this newsletter for the first time because they entered the giveaway. If you didn't win, please consider visiting Soli Deo Gloria Sacred Art  and see if there's a piece that speaks to you.

For me, January will involve a lot of get-togethers with friends, some meetings, a couple of Caps games (of course), and writing. I'd love your prayers for a new writing project; I'll share more about that when I can. And please, let me know how I can pray for you !

In Christ, Melanie