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Governor Noem and former AG Jackley issue mutual endorsements in respective 2022 elections
FEBRUARY 17, 2022

Pierre, SD - This afternoon, Governor Kristi Noem and former Attorney General Marty Jackley issued mutual endorsements, with Governor Noem endorsing former Attorney General Jackley in his election to retake his former post as South Dakota Attorney General and former Attorney General Jackley endorsing Governor Noem in her campaign for re-election this year.

Governor Noem stated the following in her endorsement of former Attorney General Jackley:

"South Dakota needs an Attorney General that believes in the constitution, has the confidence of law enforcement and the legal community, and understands the law. When any of these are lacking, our entire state feels the effect.

And so today, I am announcing my endorsement of Marty Jackley to be the next Attorney General of South Dakota. I believe that together we can work to uphold the law, keep our communities safe, and do great things for the people of South Dakota."

Former Attorney General Jackley stated the following in issuing his endorsement of Governor Noem:

“South Dakota is thriving under Governor Noem’s leadership. She has my full support in her campaign for re-election. I am committed to working with Governor Noem and law enforcement to fight crime and to keep our South Dakota families safe. I am honored to receive her support and to offer her mine in this election."

Paid for by Marty Jackley for Attorney General