July 2023

Perrydale Relief

Society Newsletter

Spiritual Message

Dear Sisters,

How important is freedom? What does freedom look like? How do we use our freedom? Do we appreciate our own freedom?


Freedom is so important to the gospel plan. I love singing that song in our hymn books, "Know This That Every Soul is Free". In the second verse we are reminded how freedom works.

"He'll call, persuade, direct alight. And bless with wisdom, love and light. In nameless ways be good and kind. But never force the human mind".

These words show the essence of how Jesus treated people. With love He helped people see who they really were. He showed those who had sinned that they were more than the raucous crowd said they were. He was all about acceptance rather than singling people out. Her was all about saving a soul.

At this time of year, our country celebrates it's own birthday, by celebrating the Fourth of July. I often think of those who have given their own lives for the freedoms we enjoy every day. Many of us have family members who gave their lives for the freedoms we enjoy today. They fought in the tranches of war believing in the preservation of freedom.

How can I honor my own freedom and their sacrifice?

Focusing on Jesus Christ and serving others that come into our own lives is a very good place to start.

In our last conference Brother Camargo talked about how we can focus on Jesus Christ. I would like to list the ways he mentioned for us to consider in our own lives.

We are free from death because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. What a blessing to rise from the grave after this life with our loved ones.

We are free from the tragedies of life as we focus on Jesus Christ. He does not promise us that we won't experience pain, but that we will be able to feel His peace through the many situations that arise in our lives where we might experience - "the tribulations, difficult experiences, sadness, pain, and unfairness of the world."

We are freed from spiritual death as we apply repentance in our life. Jesus paid for our sins in the Garden of Gethsemane and He only asks us to repent and "come follow him".

We are free to be perfect in and through Jesus Christ. "He doesn't just erase out errors.. He can work a might change in our hearts that makes us new creatures". He will help us become our best selves.

As we celebrate the Fourth of July this year, remember how important freedom is and what true freedom can do for us!

Lastly, we are free to go to the temple to worship in the most sacred way and learn of the covenants that will bring us back to our Heavenly Father. "The temple lies at the center of strengthening our faith and spiritual fortitude because the Savior and His doctrine are the very heart of the temple" - President Russel M. Nelson.

Sisters, celebrate your freedoms and the blessing its brings to our lives!!!

Happy Fourth of July!!!


Sister Butterfield

Upcoming Activities and Lesson


9th- "Just Keep Going in Faith" by Elder Cook

23rd-"Never Give Up and Opportunity to Testify of Christ" by Sister Cordan


July 18th- Following in Footsteps: RS Activity: more info to come: the theme is family history and pioneers so bring a story from your family history to share.

August 19th- Ward Temple Trip: Baptisms: 2pm and 3pm

Sacrament Meeting is Still Available for Streaming

If you can't make it in person, we'd love to still have you watch and join us that way

The YouTube Channel is called Dallas Wards

Check it out here!

July's Birthdays

1st- Laka Kaululaau

2nd- Janet Loerts

11th- Meranda Younger

12th- Barbara Stimpson

14th- Barbara Behnke

14th- Annie Mortenson

20th- Ashlee Bruce

22nd- Anita Younger

30th- Carol Duranceau


Make sure to wish these sisters happy birthday when you see them!

Missionaries Serving

Elder Lucas Sears

Germany Berlin Mission



Sister Jayden Darrington

Chile Santiago Mission



Elder Jacob Linford

Arizona Tuscon Mission



Sister Malea Shinkle

Morristown New Jersey Mission



Perrydale Ward Relief Society Presidency

Tammy Fitzgerald
1st Counselor
Jaclyn Shinkle
2nd Counselor
Connie Butterfield


Jenaya Rich

[email protected]
