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Friday, January 27, 2017
TBC Social Media

Don't be left out! Experience TBC in real time!  Like us on Facebook. Follow us on Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter. Subscribe to our YouTube channel.  


Phone: 203 544-8695
Fax: 203 544-9706

Rabbi Rachel Bearman
Religious School Director

TBC Office
Kim O'Rielly

Facility Use or Rental
Kim O'Rielly
Cindy Baulsir

Sisterhood President
Margaret Mazer Ogdon

News Item Submission:  
Items for Religious School News should be submitted to edadmin@templebnaichaim.org by Tuesday at 4:00 p.m. to appear on Friday.
Items for Chailites should be submitted to chailites@templebnaichaim.org
by Sunday at 4:00 p.m. to appear on Wednesday.

Religious School Schedule:   
Classes are in session:
Sunday School
January 29, 2017
9:30 - 11:30
Parking Lot Duty:
Saunders, Newfield, Schlechter/Michael

Hebrew School
Wednesday, February 1, 2017 

***Thursday, February 2, 2017
NO CLASSES: Come to TBC/Carver Center LEGO EVENT!
Religious School Tikkun Olam Initiative!

Please join us at The Carver Center for an afternoon of lego fun! Temple B'nai Chaim students and The Carver Center students will join together for games, building activities, photo booth, cupcake decorating, and more! 

Thursday February 2nd 2017
4:00 - 5:30

Please RSVP through the evite click here 

This event is part of the TBC Religous School Social Action (Tikkun Olam) initiatives for the 2016-2017 school year.  

For questions please call Dana Czuczka at (917)692-3563 or Stacy Barenberg at (516)946-9591.

Please help us fill our bins!
Our Lego Drive will benefit the STEM 
after school program at 
The Carver Center in Norwalk.

We are collecting Legos until Sunday, January 29, 2017! 
Family Services, Friday 
February 3
Preneg 6pm (Service 6:30pm)
You're invited to a kid-friendly
pre-neg  with pizza and veggies followed by the family service and Oneg!

Roll into dark, roll into light (Photo 1-6-17)
6th Grade Retreat
January 21st  9:30 - 12:30

The 6th grades spent the morning at TBC learning more about one another and about what B'nai Mitzvah look like at TBC.

Shabbat Shirah February 10th - Calling All Musicians!

Come offer musical praise as did our ancestors in worship after the miraculous parting of the sea. If you are a singer or musician and would like to perform a song of thanksgiving or praise - alone or with a group - please email cantor@templebnaichaim.org

The exact musical shape of the evening will be a reflection of the musical talents and passions of our congregants. We will also hear the special musical chant for the Song at the Sea. 

Join us for what promises to be a very special Shabbat of song and celebration.


Parenting Event with
 Leslie Cohen-Rubury, LCSW

Tuesday, February 21, 7:30pm
The Gift of Coping Skills: Helping to Build Your Child's Resiliency (and Restore Your Sanity)
We all know our children need coping skills when they don't get what they want. This includes anything from not making a team, not getting a good grade, not being invited to a party, not getting to go to a friend's house, to having to deal with limits on their screen time and technology usage.

 This interactive presentation will use your real-life everyday situations in which coping is NEEDED. 

You will leave with practical suggestions, skills and possibly a new perspective.

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Chanukkah Celebration!!!

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