Ruth & Lewis Davis

Religious School and

USY Youth Group Updates

Week of December 15 | 14 Kislev 5785

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No Religious School: Dec. 22-Jan. 5

Hometown Chanukah Party: Sunday, Dec. 29, 6:30 PM

Family Education Program: NEW DATE: Sunday, March 9


Ms. Yenth'l

Chanukah means dedication in Hebrew. How can we dedicate our time to ourselves and to others who love us and we care about? I asked the students to think about what they really love to do and how will they dedicate their time to that and helping in our Jewish community. 


There was also a group discussion about what the holiday of Chanukah means to them. There were various answers: some spoke about the importance and miracle of the oil and how we get to eat yummy foods that were cooked in oil, like latkes. Other students spoke about the miracle of the small Jewish Maccabean army winning against their enemies because they now have the freedom to be Jewish and practice Judaism. 


The students decorated a wooden dreidel and learned how each of the four Hebrew letters represent a word: (Nun) Nes (Gimel) Gadol (Hay) Haya (Shin) Sham. These words mean, A great miracle happened there! Ask your child where "there" is. 


Have a great Chanukah and Winter Break! Chag Chanukah Sameach!


Morah Marla, Alex, and Ms. Koota

Sunday was all things Chanukah. We learned how to light the Chanukiah, the Chanukah blessings, the history, and some songs. Then we had a live Zoom call with our partner class in Zichron Yakov, Israel. We asked each other questions and got to know each other. It was very exciting to talk to other students in Israel and to learn how they will be celebrating Chanukah. Our shinshin, Uri, even led us in a song to sing to them. It was an exciting morning that then led into our Chanukah celebration (read more about that in the Chaverim Youth Group Update below).

On Tuesday, we had a wonderful discussion about Joseph and his multi-colored coat. Jacob favored Joseph over all his sons and didn’t hide it. We enjoyed practicing the blessings for lighting the Chanukah candles and sang Chanukah songs.



Chaverim Youth Group had a great Chanukah celebration on Sunday! Click Here to see pictures! We made delicious and beautiful fruit chanukiyot and edible dreidels. We made Chanukah crafts to decorate our homes and we played dreidel. During our celebration, students received 2 dreidels - one with the letters mentioned in Ms. Yenth'l's recap above, but the other with a Pay instead of a Shin. Pay stands for Poh and means "here" - ask your child where "here" is and what the difference is between the dreidels. The dreidels with the Pay are from the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Thank you to the Myer Rappaport Youth Education Fund for purchasing this gift for our CSK students and families. Not only are we celebrating with something special, we are supporting the Israel Museum in Jerusalem during this difficult time of low tourism! Students also went home with a box of Chanukah candles to use as you light the Chanukiyah. We had a great day! Happy Chanukah to all!

Thank you from all of us

at the religious school for your generous

Chanukah Gift.

It is greatly appreciated!

Thank you for allowing us to teach your child(ren)!

Have a great Chanukah and Winter Break!

Chag Chanukah Sameach!


Chanukah Party

Menorah lighting at 6:45 PM Movies begin at 7:00 PM 

Enjoy popcorn & fresh sufganiyot (donuts)

(No meal will be served)

No charge for Chaverim/Members

Sacred Guests/Non-Members $5



Click Here to RSVP

🧡🍪🧡Send cookies

to IDF soldiers🧡🍪🧡

Looking to send something delicious to the troops in Israel? Everyone loves a good girl scout cookie especially soldiers!!

Brenner Lehrer is working with Summer Faerman of B'nai Torah Congregation - Boca Raton to send cookies to Israel.

🍪🍪🍪🍪Participating is simple!🍪🍪🍪🍪

Support Brenner Lehrer's Mitzvah Project and make an Israeli Soldier happy!

1.Click on the link below

2. Select the cookies you would like to send

3. Choose "girl delivery"

4. Enter B’nai Torah as delivery address or "SUMMER FAERMAN" as the delivery address: 6261 SW 18th St. Boca Raton, FL 33433-7146

5.The Lehrers will deliver the cookies directly to BTC in February when they will be shipped out to Israel

6.All flavors are kosher!

Click Here to Order Your Cookies

Junior Congregation

Grades 3-8

with Cantor Hadash

(During Torah Service)

Teen Lunch & Learn

Grades 9-12

with Alex & Rabbi Baum

(During Kiddush)


Saturday, January 11

Saturday, February 1

Saturday, March 15

Saturday, April 5

Saturday, May 10


For additional youth group information, contact our youth director,


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Click Here for Chaverim Youth Group Photos
Click Here for Gesher/USY Youth Group Photos


2025 Gesher/USY Schedule Coming Soon


USY December Update

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