May 19, 2023

Dear Friends,

This Sunday is THE Sunday that our Summer schedule begins! Your Church Board Leadership Team and Pastoral staff spent a substantial amount of time on the decision to change our schedule for the Summer. We chose to begin the new schedule this Sunday as we will come together and celebrate our High School Graduates.


We recognize that change is difficult, but we also recognize that the benefits and blessings of this change will far out-weigh the difficulties. Just think, ONE SERVICE at 9:00 AM! There is an energy that is experienced when we have a greater number of people gathered together, lifting our voices in worship, and inspired by God’s Word. Who knows, maybe you’ll see people who you haven’t seen in a while, maybe you’ll rekindle an old friendship. And this is an amazing opportunity to connect with new friends. Just think, you could have an aha moment, as you come into the worship center and sit down only to find your neighbor sitting right next to you, and now you have something more in common.


We made the decision to have the Sunday School/Discipleship classes meet at 10:15AM, after the worship service, because we felt there might be a number of individuals who are not in a class, that will consider giving one a try. We also believe that by having the classes after the worship service there will be the freedom to activate fellowship connections - doing life together, eating together, playing together, you name it, and now will have better opportunities to do so.


We also made the decision for this schedule change because it will provide the opportunity for our congregation to gather in the cooler part of our very hot days of Summer. You’ll be more fresh and ready first thing Sunday morning to come to church and then be prepared to meet the rest of the day - as followers of Christ, building God’s Kingdom wherever you go. Just a reminder, when I first made the announcement, I shared with you to remember “4”. Give this change four Sundays before you respond to it. Give it a chance to bring a positive impact into your life. You’ll remember, we did that before…when we went online at the beginning of COVID, when we held outdoor services throughout COVID, and when we returned to our indoor services with the many COVID restrictions; and now again, with a single service. What a breath of fresh air!


I hope you’ll get excited with me about all that’s going to take place this Sunday. I’ll see you at 9:00AM!


Sunday, May 21 | 9th - 12th grade


Sunday, June 4 | K - 6th grade


Please stop by the Welcome Center so we can answer your questions and help you get connected. We have a gift for you and look forward to meeting you!


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Sunday Worship Services | 9:00AM

Discipleship Ministries | 10:15AM

Live Stream | 9:00AM | Facebook | YouTube

Children's Church | 9:00AM

Sunday School | 10:15AM

Nursery & Childcare | 9:00 & 10:15AM

Youth Group, 10:15AM


Bible Studies & Electives | Adults, Youth & Kids

Connect with us online at

Service & Event Updates | Text @pnupdates to 81010

Children's Updates | Text @pnkids to 81010

Youth Updates | Text @portnazyo to 81010

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