Chabad of Port Washington
Chabad of Port Washington
� Email: [email protected] � Voice: 516-767-8672
Mommy & Me
A Word from the Rabbi
Rabbi Paltiel Greetings!

This Shabbos we will remember the life of one of the founding members of our Shul, an extraordinary human being who had a lifelong impact on my life and the lives of many.

Hyman Greenspan - (aka Reb Chaim or "Poppy") was a Holocaust survivor and a strong and proud Jew. The Jewish people and the land of Israel were literally his life. He'd say kaddish each and every day of his life in memory of the 6 million who were murdered. The morning after a terrorist attack took innocent lives of our people in Israel, the kaddish would be accompanied by buckets of tears. Right up until the end R' Chaim davened each day with his tefillin and observed the Shabbos, walking the more than 1.5 miles each way - both Friday night and Shabbat morning.

I'm grateful I had the opportunity of knowing this very special man. He was and still is like a beloved uncle to me. His children, Ira and Edie, and their spouses Debbie and Alex, like cousins, close cousins... I'm sure to many of the ‘long timers' (as opposed to ‘old timers'...) at our Chabad, the sentiments are similar.

I look forward to commemorating Chaim's 10th yahrzeit this Shabbat and saluting this giant man, the gentle lion; lover of Israel and defender of its people in any way he knew how.

I hope you'll join me. Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Shalom M. Paltiel

P.S. I invite you to join me for Torah study on Sunday mornings, 9:45AM to 11AM - no charge or RSVP, just come. See below for the schedule and topics. Also, Hebrew School parents, you don't want to miss the Power Breakfast especially for you taking place this Sunday (rescheduled from last Sunday due to snow), 10:30am. It's your chance to meet and greet Esther, our amazing Hebrew School principal and learn more about her plans for our children in their Hebrew School experience.

Click here to watch

"It Wasn't Me, It Was Him"

Mr. Robert Abrams served as New York State Attorney General from 1978 to 1994. He and his wife Dianne, an attorney herself, would come to the Rebbe for Lekach on Hoshana Rabba. In 1985, the Rebbe gave them an unexpected blessing for an addition to their family.

Click here to watch a 3-minute clip.

Adult Ed Program
Adult Education

Sunday Mornings | 9:45 AM - 11:00 AM

Living Torah: 9:45-10 AM - Video lesson by the Rebbe, Rabbi Schneerson of righteous memory

Weekly Torah class: 10-11 AM with Rabbi Paltiel

Bagels and coffee served. No charge or rsvp. Just come!

Calendar of Events


Power Breakfast

Hebrew School Parent Power Breakfast
Sunday, December 22 | 9:15 - 10:30 AM

Chabad of Port Washington Hebrew School parents are invited to join us this Sunday in the Social Hall. Meet other parents, enjoy a yogurt bar and play some games: your week has never started off so well.


Mommy & Me

Mommy & Me | Tuesdays, 9:30 -10:15 am

Join Jaime Lewis, of Kids Can Music together with Sara Paltiel, Director of Florence Brownstein Preschool for music and movement in Chabad's spectacular new Israel-themed immersive indoor playground.

Click here for more info and register.



Special Lecture
Sunday, January 12 | 10:00 AM

The Cteen program of Port Washington invites you to join us for a lecture by Bernie Raider, holocaust survivor who will to share his experience. All are welcome!



NEW JLI: To Be a Jew in the Free World
6 Sundays, Begins February 2 | 10:00 AM

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. One side of the coin promised security, acceptance, and affluence with the escape from antisemitism and discrimination; while the other threatened assimilation, confusion of loyalties, and the possibility of disappearing as a nation.

In To Be a Jew in the Free World, we examine the personal and religious struggles that individuals and communities confronted as they faced the challenges of changing times: stories that provoke debate and shed insight into what it means to live as a Jew today.

Click here for more info and to register.


Save the Date

Save the Date | Gala Dinner

Please save the date for Chabad of Port Washington's annual dinner celebrating our 23rd anniversary. The dinner will take place on Monday, June 2, 2014.

Formal invitation to follow.
Question of the Week
Question of the week
Is It a Crime to be a Non-Jew?
By: Rabbi Aron Moss | Sydney, Australia

Question: My girlfriend is Jewish. I am not. I just want to know what crime I have committed by being a non-Jew. All her friends and family are trying to convince her out of this relationship. I think I am a nice guy. What do they have against me?


Shabbat Times
Candle Lighting Times for
Port Washington, NY
[Based on Zip Code 11050]:
Shabbat Candle Lighting:
Friday, Dec 20
4:12 pm
Shabbat Ends:
Shabbat, Dec 21
5:16 pm
Torah Portion: Shemot

Kiddush Calendar

This week's kiddush is sponsored by Alex and Edit Rothschild and Ira and Debbie Greenspan in honor of the tenth yahrzeit of "POPPY" - Reb Chaim Greenspan of blessed memory. (Chaim ben Anshel obm)

Ira & Debbie Greenspan

Click here to let us know if you can sponsor a kiddush.

Community News

Our Condolences to Bari and Ralph Cenname on the passing of Bari's mother. May we share only simchas!


Benjamin Broad 12/20
Levi Paltiel 12/21
Alexandra Sater 12/23

Orly Sherman 12/26


Michael & Deborah Samuel 12/21

Mrs. Charney 12/23


Chaim Greenspan,
(Chaim ben Anshel)
12/20/2013 | Tevet 17, 5774
observed by Alex & Edith Rothschild
and Ira & Debbie Greenspan

Paul Feuer, (Peretz ben Zev) 12/21/2013 | Tevet 18, 5774
observed by Ralph & Bari Cenname

Yuliya Klopova,
12/21/2013 | Tevet 18, 5774
observed by Harold & Marina Shapiro

Matla Prus, (Matla bas Yeshayaho) 12/23/2013 | Tevet 20, 5774
observed by Daphne Levy

Stanley Ruben, (Shmuel ben Yosef) 12/24/2013 | Tevet 21, 5774
observed by

Glen & Tami Ruben

Gerard Pion,
(Yaakov Meir ben Mordechai Tzvi) 12/26/2013 | Tevet 23, 5774
observed by

Donald & Arlene Markowitz

*CLICK HERE to convert any regular calendar date, birthday or Yahrtzeit to its corresponding Jewish-calendar date!

Schedule of Services

Sunday Morning

Services: 9:00 AM

Monday - Friday
Services: 7:00 AM

Friday Evening: Candle lighting time

Saturday Morning: 9:30 AM
Followed by Kiddush Luncheon at 12
Mincha: Following Lunch

Schedule of Classes

Video & Torah Class
Sunday | 9:45 - 11:00 AM

Coffee & Parsha Class

Monday - Friday | 7:45 - 8:15 AM

Tanya Class
with Rabbi Paltiel
Saturdays | 8:45-9:30 AM

Quick Links

The Rebbe



 Eko Techs

Proudly supporting Chabad's IT needs!

This Week @
The Brick Factory
Before they could become G-d's chosen people, the children of Israel had to first undergo forced servitude in the "smelting pit of Egypt," primarily in the manufacture of bricks. Why bricks?
Is Midrash For Real?
Torah, like any wisdom, has departments. You can't study literature the same way you study biology, and you can't critique poetry as you would journalism. So too, you can't study one department of Torah the same as you study another.
Being Bankrupt
I have a confession to make. Several years ago, when I went bankrupt, I was too embarrassed to tell you my story . . .
Your Questions
Why Isn't G-d Responding to My Friend's Prayers?
My friend's family is going through a very rough time. She stays home most of the time praying. Should I advise her to stop praying so that she won't be so angry at G-d?
Chabad-Lubavitch News from Around the World
North America
Making Lemons Into LemonAID After Storm Cancels Event
JRA Philadelphia feeds more hungry people than it originally planned
North America
Where Art and Judaism Intertwine: The Story of Chaim Leib
Canadian artist finds his niche, in life as well as in his livelihood
Campus Life
New 'Home Away From Home' for Ohio Students
Young couple opens Chabad on Campus at Miami University
North America
Torah and Science Conference: Putting the Universe in Perspective
The Jewish Calendar
Friday Tevet 17 | December 20
Today in Jewish History1st NY Synagogue (1728)
Today in Jewish HistoryToldot Aaron (1754)
Today in Jewish HistoryMaggid of Dubne (1841)
Shabbat Tevet 18 | December 21
Today in Jewish HistoryHuna Killed (469)
Today in Jewish HistoryB'nei Yissachar (1841)
Sunday Tevet 19 | December 22
Today in Jewish HistoryJudah Touro (1854)
Monday Tevet 20 | December 23
Today in Jewish HistoryPassing of Maimonides (1204)
Today in Jewish HistoryPrinting of Talmud (1483)
Tuesday Tevet 21 | December 24
Today in Jewish HistoryShimon Born (1567 BCE)
Daily Thought

A student begins as a sponge or as a funnel:
Either everything is absorbed, indiscriminately
—or everything passes in one ear and out the other.

The first job of a teacher, therefore, is to direct the student and tell him, "Focus on this; this is important. Do not focus on this—this is only the background."

The Parshah In A Nutshell
Parshat Shemot
The children of Israel multiply in Egypt. Threatened by their growing numbers, Pharaoh enslaves them and orders the Hebrew midwives, Shifrah and Puah, to kill all male babies at birth. When they do not comply, he commands his people to cast the Hebrew babies into the Nile.

A child is born to Yocheved, the daughter of Levi, and her husband, Amram, and placed in a basket on the river, while the baby's sister, Miriam, stands watch from afar. Pharaoh's daughter discovers the boy, raises him as her son, and names him Moses.

As a young man, Moses leaves the palace and discovers the hardship of his brethren. He sees an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, and kills the Egyptian. The next day he sees two Jews fighting; when he admonishes them, they reveal his deed of the previous day, and Moses is forced to flee to Midian. There he rescues Jethro's daughters, marries one of them ( Tzipporah), and becomes a shepherd of his father-in-law's flocks.

G-d appears to Moses in a burning bush at the foot of Mount Sinai, and instructs him to go to Pharaoh and demand: " Let My people go, so that they may serve Me." Moses' brother, Aaron, is appointed to serve as his spokesman. In Egypt, Moses and Aaron assemble the elders of Israel to tell them that the time of their redemption has come. The people believe; but Pharaoh refuses to let them go, and even intensifies the suffering of Israel.

Moses returns to G-d to protest: " Why have You done evil to this people?" G-d promises that the redemption is close at hand.