Upcoming Vaccination Events
Plant a Tree
Remembering Commander Bauer
Office Closed for President's Day
Dear Neighbors,

With the rain last night and freezing temperatures today, please be extra careful walking and driving.

  • Please put sand or dog-friendly salt in places you see that are icy.
  • Please continue to lend a hand and help your neighbors clear sidewalks, walkways, alleys, and parking spots. If you would like to volunteer to help others shovel, please email [email protected]
  • Watch for falling ice and icicles on homes, buildings, and trees.
  • Property owners are responsible for keeping the sidewalk in front of their property free and clear of snow AND ice. Please attend to your property or you will suffer the risk of fines.
  • Please check in on your elderly neighbors. If you know of a senior in the community who might need additional resources and support during the inclement weather, please email m[email protected]

Please call my office at 773-348-9500 or email with information about unshoveled sidewalks after 24 hours of a snowfall or if you are unable to shovel.

Together, we can make our neighborhood safe for everyone.
City of Chicago 2022 Tree Plantings
Request A Tree

Our City 2022 budget commits extra funding to planting nearly 15,000 new trees this year (about 300 per ward). In the 43rd Ward, we currently have 222 open tree planting requests.

You can view the requests here, if you don't see your location on this list but you would a tree to be planted, please email Maggie Sullivan at [email protected].

You can request a specific tree from the city's approved list. Most available are Bur Oak, Shumard Oak, North American Hybrid Elm, Ginkgo, and American Linden Tree. The City can't guarantee any particular tree, but will work to try to get your preference if available. The goal is to diversify the tree stock in the city to avoid dangers from disease.
Local COVID Vaccination Events
Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022
Oscar Mayer School, 2250 N Clifton
Newberry School, 700 W Willow
10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Register here.

This Tuesday, two locations are offering vaccines in the ward. While these clinics are operated by CPS, all are welcome.

Minors under the age of 18 must have parental consent or written consent provided through the registration process.

Prior to entering a CPS building please remember, if you are experiencing COVID-19 like symptoms, please do not enter a CPS building.
CPS Invites Parents and Staff to Provide Feedback on the 2022-23 Academic Calendar 
Survey closes Friday, February 18th at 5 p.m.
Fill it out here.

Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is seeking District-wide staff and parental feedback on two academic calendar options for the 2022-23 school year prior to presenting a recommendation in March to the Board of Education.

Both calendars feature:

  • A 2022-23 school year that begins BEFORE Labor Day.
  • 176 days of instruction for students
  • 12 professional learning days for teachers and school-based staff
  • One parent-teacher conference day for both high school (HS) and elementary school (ES) students in the fall of 2022 and one for both HS and ES students the spring of 2023.
  • Two weeks of winter vacation and one week of spring vacation
  • No student instruction during the entire week of Thanksgiving

Calendar Option #1: This calendar largely mirrors what is being used in CPS this school year.

Calendar Option #2: This calendar aligns more closely with the academic calendars of suburban school districts and local colleges and universities.

The calendar recommendation will be presented to the CPS Board of Education for consideration and a vote on Wednesday, March 23. Fill out the survey here.
Lincoln Park High School Wins!

LPHS is the best neighborhood high school in the city. It offers the top International Baccalaureate (IB) program in the Western Hemisphere, as well as magnet programs in Double Honors, performing arts, and visual arts. These recent wins demonstrate the breadth of activities available for your student at LPHS.

LPHS Varsity Poms Championship Win

On Saturday, February 12th, 2022, the Lincoln Park High School Varsity Poms Team won the 3A Division City Championship Title! Countless hours went into creating and practicing routines and their hard work paid off.

Congrats to their entire team!

Our wonderful team will be performing at the St. Patrick's Day parade on March 12.
LPHS Robotics Team Championship Win

The Lincoln Park High robotics team, LP Roarbotics won the city robotics championship at the Chicago First Tech Challenge League Tournament. The team also qualified to compete in the Illinois First Tech Challenge State Championship! Congrats to LP Roarbotics!

Go Lions!
Office Closed for President's Day, Monday, February 21st, 2022

In honor of President's Day, our office will be closed this Monday, February 21st. We will return to normal hours and operations at 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, February 22nd, 2022.
Public Safety Updates
Commander Paul Bauer Rememberd

Chicago Police held a memorial on Sunday, February 13th, 2022 for fallen police Commander Paul Bauer on the 4th anniversary of his murder.

Many neighbors remember Commander Bauer for his dedication to this great city and commitmentto our community. His was a great loss to the city and we honor his family, who were present at the service.

If you would like to honor Commander Bauer and watch the memorial, please click here.
018 District Vehicular Hijacking Prevention Webinar
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
4 p.m.

Meeting ID: 839 6018 9024
Passcode: 412275

Please join the 018 District Community Policing office for a discussion on the important topic of Vehicular Carjacking.

The webinar will be held on Wednesday, February 23, 2022, at 4:00 p.m.

If you are interested in attending, please see the Zoom info below.

Meeting ID: 839 6018 9024
Passcode: 412275

Questions? Call the 18th District Community Policing office at 312-742-5778.
Write to Our Public Officials
Pick Up Some Postcards!

We are having an impact! All of our neighborhood organizations are joining together with our office to mount a postcard writing campaign to seek accountability. You can pick up postcards now at:

  • 43rd Ward Office, 2523 N Halsted
  • Old Town Triangle Association Office, 1763 N. North Park
  • Milito's Gas Station, 1108 W Fullerton
  • Lakeshore Sport and Fitness, 1320 W Fullerton

Postcards are pre-addressed. Please write about your personal experience with crime and why the city needs the support of our State's Attorney and judicial system with appropriate prosecutions, sentences, and bail. Click here for sample postcard language, and more information about the campaign.
Community Events
It's Chicago Theatre Week!
February 17-27

Come out and see a LIVE theatre production for $15 or $30! Try something new, especially from our local theatres Victory Gardens, as well as many others across the city. Learn more and buy tickets here.
Women's Toiletry Drive with Commissioner Gainer's Office
February 1st, 2022 - February 28th, 2022
Drop off at 2523 N Halsted St

Our office is happy to again be a co-sponsor of Commissioner Bridget Gainer’s Annual Cook County Jail Women’s Justice Program Toiletry Drive. These supplies go to organizations supporting justice-system-involved women.

Items must be travel-sized and include shampoo, conditioner, soap, shower gel, deodorant, and body lotion.

Thank you to all of you who have contributed to past drives and please consider making a donation this year.
Run for Local School Council

Seats are up for election at all of our Local School Councils on April 20, 2022 (elementary schools) and April 21, 2022 (high schools). Parents can apply at their children's school, and community members can run for the schools where they live.

Help our public schools be as good as they can be. To find out everything you need to know about becoming an LSC candidate, participating as a voter, or serving as a paid judge click here. Election paperwork can also be picked up at the CPS school where a candidate plans to run.

Please note: All paperwork must be returned to the school in which you intend to seek a seat on the LSC.
Hounds & Grounds
A Fundraiser for Canine Cancer Research
Sunday, February 20th, 2022
10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Learn more here.

The sustainable landscaping initiative, Midwest Grows Green, is excited to present its first dog agility and wellness fundraiser. Please bring your furry friends to Canine Therapy Corps for an introductory agility course experience with 43rd Ward resident Stacey Hawk, famous owner of Hawk City K9. Additionally, MGG's Ryan Anderson will share expert insights and tips for how homeowners can keep dogs safe from synthetic lawn pesticides and fertilizers.

Further details include:
  • Dog owners can choose one of four-time slots: (1) 10 to 11:30 a.m., (2) 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., (3) 2 to 3:30 p.m., and (4) 3:30 to 5 p.m.
  • Each time slot can accommodate up to 10 participant pairs (owner + dog).
  • 5 pairs will traverse the agility course for 30 minutes while the other 5 pairs will attend the natural lawn care informational session.

Attendees must show proof of COVID-19 vaccination for entry. After registering, please send an image of your COVID-19 vaccination card to Ryan Anderson at [email protected].
Savor Lincoln Park 2022
Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022
6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
2401 N Lake Shore Drive
(Theater on the Lake)
Buy your "early bird" tickets here!

The one-of-a-kind indoor neighborhood food festival takes place at the iconic Theater on the Lake, where you can enjoy bites and sips from over a dozen of Lincoln Park’s favorite restaurants and bars. Celebrate our resilient hospitality businesses and meet up with your friends, colleagues, and neighbors for the return of Savor Lincoln Park on Tuesday, March 22, 2022!

Guests will also enjoy unique silent auction packages from Chicago’s best destinations and beautiful skyline views.

Stay tuned for participating restaurants, breweries, and eateries!

Tickets are currently on sale and Early Bird Admission is only $32 through February 20th, 2022. All tickets include a sample bite from each participating restaurant, beer tastings from local breweries, as well as complimentary beer, wine, and soft drinks at the bar. You will also have exclusive access to the event’s silent auction, which will include packages and experiences from some of Chicago’s top destinations.
Support Local Restaurants
Support Local Businesses
See you in the neighborhood,
43rd Ward Office Hours: M - F 9 AM - 5 PM
 2523 N Halsted | 773-348-9500 [email protected] www.ward43.org